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What are people's opinions here on Mass Effect 2?


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No, I needed to update my Direct X (which I forgot at the time :sweat: ) and I installed ME again before finding out that you needed to go to configs to update saves in order to transfer. I just started the game and haven't done any of the main quests (missions) yet. I'm mostly glad that it works on my PC (for low graphics it is certainly good) and I'm getting use to the controls.


BTW- jojo man I'm a she not a he *Que dramatic music*


Your age and gender have always been surprising, in a good way. :thumbsup:


I wish I could be 18 again.... :whistling:

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I installed ME2 recently. I'm just wishing they hadn't changed (and BROKE) so much stuff that was just fine from the first game. I hate the new keybindings, particularly the spacebar and shift keys changing (not to mention that 'Use' gets tacked onto 'sprint') and the lack of hotkeys for weapons--you can't even drag them to the hotkey bar, which I believe you could do in ME1, but I didn't as I needed every one of them for my biotic. Speaking of biotics, holy crap they got a huge nerf! Cooldowns global now? Enemies immune til they're pretty much mostly dead? It's enough to make me want to go back to ME1, finish my Soldier playthrough, and import that! The lack of map (on missions) and minimap (period) really, really sucks too. WTF M8?


Oh, and as a trackballer, I really, REALLY, REALLY miss Frogger (ME1 hacking/lockpicking). The hacking in ME2 is ok, I just keep forgetting to use the WASD keys and.. spacebar. The lockpicking, with the circuit board matching game, that I despise. Gimme my Frogger back dammit.


I still like the game. I think. Sat here playing it for a couple hours last night. But, the stuff they broke is just frustrating. I don't like frustration in a game.


So um, all that said.... anyone know a good site for ME2 mods? I found the ones on masseffectsaves.com. Also, anyone know where a mod is that'll let me have hawt yuri sex with Tali? :tongue:

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You are not alone on the key binding and the lack of customization of characters, but I must disagree on the frogger, I hate that thing. I used so much omi-gel (it really says so much about my skills) on that I didn't even care that I died in the Mako, which reminds me, why did they have to get rid of the Mako?! It was great on the main missions but on the assignments where the terrain looked like it was designed by a five year old? Lets not forget the elevators...even Garrus misses them :sad: . In a sadder note I miss the Tower of Hanoi :mellow: those were the days...


Don't get me wrong I still like ME2 and I find it great I just miss a few small things from ME that is all.

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I installed ME2 recently. I'm just wishing they hadn't changed (and BROKE) so much stuff that was just fine from the first game. I hate the new keybindings, particularly the spacebar and shift keys changing (not to mention that 'Use' gets tacked onto 'sprint') and the lack of hotkeys for weapons--you can't even drag them to the hotkey bar, which I believe you could do in ME1, but I didn't as I needed every one of them for my biotic. Speaking of biotics, holy crap they got a huge nerf! Cooldowns global now? Enemies immune til they're pretty much mostly dead? It's enough to make me want to go back to ME1, finish my Soldier playthrough, and import that! The lack of map (on missions) and minimap (period) really, really sucks too. WTF M8?


Oh, and as a trackballer, I really, REALLY, REALLY miss Frogger (ME1 hacking/lockpicking). The hacking in ME2 is ok, I just keep forgetting to use the WASD keys and.. spacebar. The lockpicking, with the circuit board matching game, that I despise. Gimme my Frogger back dammit.


I still like the game. I think. Sat here playing it for a couple hours last night. But, the stuff they broke is just frustrating. I don't like frustration in a game.


So um, all that said.... anyone know a good site for ME2 mods? I found the ones on masseffectsaves.com. Also, anyone know where a mod is that'll let me have hawt yuri sex with Tali? :tongue:


ME is more a RPG and ME2 is more a shooter...that said, it is a damn good shooter. No real mods exist for ME2, sadly, because bioware refuses to release something like DA's toolcrap. Why they don't is a mystery...if you want a challenge try playing Vanguard+Insanity...

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That's true, but that said it is an awesome trilogy (depending if ME3 is going to end with a bang)


I think ME2 is a middle ground game; preparing the stage for ME3; ME3 will be massive; lots of new stuff; divisions amongst the Geth and I think it is very likely that depending on your decision(s) in ME2 and at the end (especially there) it will have a huge impact on ME3. I think I really DO need to play ME. So many people have told me that it dramatically alters the storyline of ME2, even the ending? Hmm...have to see; if you just start a new character on ME2 the game assumes you took the renegade path in ME....

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If you want to Stardusk (no one is forcing you to buy ME or anything) but when you import Shepard from ME to ME2 many things change such as interactions with certain people and places. It adds more to the game, that is all.
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If you want to Stardusk (no one is forcing you to buy ME or anything) but when you import Shepard from ME to ME2 many things change such as interactions with certain people and places. It adds more to the game, that is all.


I guess I just feel guilty not having played ME...still, I have read all the details of the story. There is a book coming out actually, set after the events of ME2.


According to DanScott, if you played ME and went the paragon path you can rejoin the spectres at the end of ME2...don't know for sure though.

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