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Ethereal Weapon?


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So, I found this enchanted axe but there's not description of what it does.


It just says "ethereal weapon" or something like that.


I was able to unenchant it so I could imbue another weapon but before I do I should probably know what it does.


I think the ethereal weapons bypass armor. Is that correct?


Playing Skyrim Legendary version.


Thanks in advance!

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Could be the Ghostblade? Although that's a sword. Oh, oh. I know what you're talking about. You got it from a ghost draugr in Labrynthian, right? Can't remember precisely what those are called. I think the axes drain stamina. Or possibly magicka. The swords are called "Drainheart Blades" or somesuch. Hold on, I'll look it up.


EDIT: Okay, yeah. You're almost certainly looking at a Drainblood Battleaxe, correct? They absorb fifteen points of health, meaning that the health is removed from the enemy and given to you.

Edited by Kestrellius
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No. I don't remember where I got it but it's a new game start so it was found near Whiterun. It's just a steel axe that is enchanted with "ethereal weapon."


I think it's a glitch where a summoned weapon is dropped somehow and what was carrying it dies but the weapon remains on the ground.


I think it could be from Belua Sanguinare Vampiris Mod. There are summoned axes that float around and attack your enemies. They may have gotten disarmed and a naked but resurrected zombie may have picked it up.

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