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But Daedric is strongest in the lore, derp!


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Anybody ever going to explain where this comes from? As well as the sheer insanity of having a "best" or "strongest" material?


I mean, I can understand Daedric being the best known material at a given time, but people seem to think that it's unequivocally the best (albeit heaviest) armor in existence, in the Aurbis, ever. Which is ridiculous.

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Well, just because that's not how anything works. There is no "best". I mean, what's the strongest material in real life? Osmium is the densest, but does that make an osmium sword the best kind of sword in existence? No. It depends on alloys, craftsmanship, weight, flexibility, and other factors.


Even with magic involved, as is clearly the case here, it seems unlikely that any one set of equipment could actually be the "strongest". Daedric items are ebony items with dremora bound to them, right? Well, there are much more powerful entities out there than dremora. What if you bound Talos to a sword? I'm exaggerating, obviously, and such a thing would be virtually impossible, but it's still theoretically doable, just not with the current abilities of TES races.


Or, take the Dwemer. They bound themselves to the Numidium, using what I'm guessing is a similar principle as Daedric. If you count it as a piece of equipment, it's much better than Daedric. Or, speaking of the Numidium, what if you used the Heart of Lorkhan? That'd get you a much better piece of equipment than Daedric.


My point is, there are always possibilities, and it's silly to make the claim that Daedric is locked into the position of "best".

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Daedric is the vitrified blood of a God, tempered in pure elemental fire and imbued with the living soul of a lesser Daedra. It's very forging is a process of enchantment and working one of the rarest and most resilient materials in existence. Even before being enchanted through conventional means, it's very existence is a harmony of physicality and magic, touched with the very life-blood of creation. Even the gods of the Aubris value it for its power and rarity.


Is it the 'best'? Hardly. Aetherium is far more magical, and able to carry better enchantments... But in terms of resilience, there is no material known to God's or mortals that beats Daedric.


The only things which have ever out-done Daedric (the skin if the Numidium and the shell of Adamantium Tower) have existed outside of time. You cannot destroy, or even damage, something that technically doesn't even exist.

Edited by Lachdonin
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Wait, rarity? Why would it be rare to the gods? Don't most dremora have a set?


Ah yes, Aetherium...This does tie into my "Aedric Armor" theory/mod concept, where the Dragonborn would make ultra-pure soul gems from raw Aetherium, magically divert absorbed dragon souls into them, and then use them to make armor and weapons...

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Actually the best heavy armor is regular steel armor, because you can get to the armor cap with the least amount of perks invested for the cheapest price.


As far as weapons go, the effectiveness of a weapon doesn't just rely on base damage and speed. Upgrading of weapons is done by flat amounts, therefor, the higher your smithing skill, the less the difference in attack strength between weapons becomes, while the attack speed stays the same. Therefor, if you have a 100 skill in smithing an iron sword will be very close in DPS to a daedric sword, which is considerably heavier. People claiming daedric is always superior are simply wrong. It all depends on your playstyle, if you're a tank with heavy armor and a heavy shield you might want to opt for a slow and heavy hitting weapon like a dragonbone axe or mace, while an archer that relies on swiftness will prefer a swift elven dagger with a disabling enchantment in close range, while a long range sniper archer will prefer a strong and slow bow, a hit and run archer will prefer a swift bow.

Every material has its use, it is up to the user to find the right balance between speed and damage, DPS should be the last thing you look for in a weapon.


Why do most guards wear half armors? Because they have to pursue criminals.

Why do imperials usually wear light armors? Because they need to be mobile on the battlefield.

Why do bandits wear leather and fur armors? Because they often spend hours in the wilderness or in ambush positions, they need to blend in their environment, stay relatively warm and also be light and swift to get the jump on their prey.

Why do the Dawnguard go heavily armored with trolls? Because they need to face vampires head-on in daylight and are thus unable to fight with an element of surprise which makes them open to attacks.


And so on. And so on. You pick the armor that is right for the job, which is not always the strongest and heaviest armor or weapon you can find.

Edited by Valkasha
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Actually the best heavy armor is regular steel armor, because you can get to the armor cap with the least amount of perks invested for the cheapest price.



In-game mechanics =/= Lore.

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Actually the best heavy armor is regular steel armor, because you can get to the armor cap with the least amount of perks invested for the cheapest price.



In-game mechanics =/= Lore.


Lore doesn't specifically say daedric armor and weapons are the best does it? I doubt many of the basic vanilla equipment are even mentioned at all in the lore, especially in power comparisons...


@foul damn straight, if you don't look beautiful don't bother showing your face. As Sunny would say:"HAIR SPATULA!"

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