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Karma=suspect mod


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So let's say everyone loves you in a town, then a guard "mysteriously" dies to an arrow to the knee, you walk by and guard suspects you in regular skyrim. But what if the guard or another town member suspects someone else, and arrest or kills them, because it can't be you, your the dragonborn.
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There is actually a script function that allows you to make other characters take the blame for spells you cast, so it would be pretty easy to implement this as one or a group of specific spells, say in the Illusion school. I'd be willing to add that to my to-do list but at this point don't expect anything in less than a month from me.


It would be more complicated if you want to be able to it with any attack/spell in the game.


If anybody wants to jump on either implementation before I get to it, please do.

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  • 1 year later...

yeah or it could be cool but hard if you pickpocket someone's ring or any other distinguishable item they have and leave it in the dead person's inventory they would go arrest or kill the person who owned the item kind of like how you stole madesi's ring and planted it on brand-shei and he got arrested

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I was alwa6ys a little annoyed att the guards having a "shoot first ask questions later" approach when an NPC comitted a crime as opposed to the player. the only times I'vede seen it averted are withs pecifically scripted events and even than it's spotty because there are sitll scripted criminals tha y'll attack and kill when it does't reall y make sense. (Seriously the guards in Markarth have every reason to attempt to arrest and incarcerate Weylin because He'd be more useful to the Silver-Bloods alive in the mines than dead and pretty much useless someone was being an idiot) I'd also like to see the player be able ot make citizens arrests as an alternative to a lot of quests. like arresting the Butcher in Windhelm.

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yeah or it could be cool but hard if you pickpocket someone's ring or any other distinguishable item they have and leave it in the dead person's inventory they would go arrest or kill the person who owned the item kind of like how you stole madesi's ring and planted it on brand-shei and he got arrested


Actually it should be more like each NPC has a special item, with their name on it, that when placed on another NPC's inventory it triggers a theft, or murder if the owner was murdered, bounty on the receiving NPC. Would be even better if it only sterted to count once the guards received a tip about the receiving NPC.

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