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DLC + Mods using patch 1.7

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I read the sticky in this forum section about workarounds to getting the DLCs to work with mods (somewhat difficult to read due to OP's use of english). However, I'm curious if this is still an issue with the 1.7 patch or if methods have changed since then. If that guide is still the proper workaround then I'll read through it a bit more and try to piece together the parts I had trouble reading. Thanks for your response!


Edit: I think I misunderstood most of that guide actually. I've done some google research and it seems that the official 1.5 patch and newer cause mods to block DLCs? So unofficial patches were created to correct this issue apparently? Could someone confirm this or explain what I'm missing? Its hard to find out what to research when I don't understand the root issue in the first place.

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use the 1.7 patch


You mean the official patch right? I'm currently using it and it seems that the DLCs don't function with it while using mods. Any idea as to why? I.E. The zeta radio frequency is listed in the Radio tab but I can't click it This is the only DLC related thing in game except for the level cap raising to 30 after creation (apparently I won't be able to move on to Broken Steel though with the current situation, according to other posts).


Its been a while since my last playthrough but I don't think that DLCs have to be unwrapped in game. There should be a marker on the map or a radio signal/note to update it, according to memory.


Edit1: I just removed all mods from GaryBash and the DLCs came up fine. I'm in the process of locating what mod is blocking them from happening.

Edit2: All mods are functional with the DLCs with the exception of FOOK2 DLC Improvement Kit. I'll be doing further research on this mod to find the cause. Only The Pitt and Operation: Anchorage are working however. I'm debating a fresh install.

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