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Kudos system

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I'm sure many of you are aware that when you try to give kudos to another user of the nexus sites, you're redirected to "tesnexus" to fill out the final form. This is a slight bother if you are not logged into tesnexus so my suggestion is that the kudos system doesn't redirect you to another site, instead a pop-up form will appear on the page you're on and ask you to give a reason why you're giving them kudos.


Thanks for reading,



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I'm sure many of you are aware that when you try to give kudos to another user of the nexus sites, you're redirected to "tesnexus" to fill out the final form. This is a slight bother if you are not logged into tesnexus so my suggestion is that the kudos system doesn't redirect you to another site, instead a pop-up form will appear on the page you're on and ask you to give a reason why you're giving them kudos.


Thanks for reading,



The reason why it is handled by the forums instead of each site having their own form is likely for authentication and consistency reasons. As amazing as it might sound, there are people who go to great lengths to cheat their way a few extra kudos. More places where the scripts are handled means more places where the exploiters can find something to exploit.

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