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I'd like my CM partner to help in the arena.

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But all he does is stand there... I've set him to evil, turned up his aggression, and one time he did attack someone, but then didn't help me fight the other combatant.


I'm not trying to break the game either. I'm at the twin elf battle and simply thought "Well, if they can form a team, why can't I?"


Any suggestions?

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I'm guessing that you'll have to create a whole new set of AI packages that check to see if arena combatants (AI package for each arena combatant you face) are in combat, their location is in the Arena (prevent sudden attack on the Gray Prince when he's in the Bloodworks, if that's how it works), and if their target is you or himself/herself, then they will attack them as well. Then you'll have to add them to each companion NPC you have, which is mostly drag-and-drop work.


Of course, that might also mean adding AI packages to the combatants as well, so they can attack your companions and even the field a little when in battle. And to even it a little more is that if your companions fall in battle, they stay fallen until resurrected or the battle ends, or perhaps even die by removing essential status from them.

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