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PS3's PSN Plus


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Hello Guess what psn plus is on its way with In game chat and Some others NEW features like...


read the article..








Off topic wooot also the PS3 VIdeo Store is Finally hitting Canada on July First, Canada day :thumbsup:

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I bought a PS3 a few weeks ago, along with my first HD television(a tiny 19" 720P Toshiba) . Thus far I am mildly disappointed with PSN. I bought wing Commander IV, which took next to forever to download. The game itself was even worse than the PSX version, with unbearable loading times, and FMV in half screen. I have 14 dollars left on my PSN card, is there anything else that is worth Acquiring?

I wish they'd at least sell PS2 games, or even PS3 games since I live in a rural area with no gamestop.

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There are a few gems in the store that i recommend.


Super stardust is one of them, its a great arcade shooter.


There is PAIN if you like the silly kind of game play, that allows you to eject ones self into a building woot :teehee: .


There's Wipe out HD witch is a great racer, not to mention in HD.


High Velocity Bowling, uses the Sixaxis


Flower very unique gameplay also uses the sixaxis, fly around kind of trippy gameplay.


You can download the game Burn Out paradise witch is also recommended if you like racing.


There is alot of games you just have to search around for them.


For me the download rate is all right, i usually max out my connection speed every time i download.

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