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Missing ship to Firemoth


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where do you catch the ship for the Firemoth quest , i ve spoken to that legion guy and he said to go back out and speak to the ship master but wen i leave theres no ship there .

Do u av to do this quest wen u first start the game or somthing or cud opne of my other plugins be messin it up

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It was easy for me. I installed the plugin after I started the game, no problems. :P

Seyda Neen:

I Spoke with the Imperial guy who gave you papers for Caius Cossades. He tells you that they need to recover some relic shield and you can help.

After I went outside of his office and headed to the dock. It's just behind the building, you arrive there at the very begiinning of the game. There was an Argonian who took me to the Firemoth. And it was only there, that 2 other companions joinded me.

Unfortunately they didn't make it back :( However, on the other hand, I got something :) - make sure that you search their bodies after they are killed by sceletons, I found nice but very heavy ebony sword on the girl.


Finally - If nothing works, you can just swim there alone, or waterwalk, or levitate, whatever you prefer ;)


Good luck

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As Charon said, except that you should have 3 companions (Bosmer female, Altmer male and Nord male) with the Bosmer carrying an Ebony Longsword and the Altmer carrying a Daedric Dagger. The Nord has no special items. You can also find a 4th companion once you get into the Fort, a Khajit male.


Also, do not try this at too early a level. There are lots of skeletons to kill, plus Grurn (skeleton Mage) who is a difficult opponent and a low level character will have serious trouble.


Other than that, I've never had a problem with running this plugin, although it is possible that another plugin may cause problems.

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Chikeniing out? ;)


When I embarked on this quest I was level 4 or 5. And as I said, only 2 companions joined me - Nord male and Breton female. Alas, no Altmer carrying a Daedric Dagger.

But anyway I consider it as a disbalance - you are not supposed to get such a powerful and expensive weapons at the very beginning, spoils the game. Also those pesky Dark Brotherhood attacks that come with Tribunal - you kill asassin easily and get pretty good and valuable light amor - I did it at the 2nd level :rolleyes: Sold it to the Creeper later and raised my funds considerably.

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I was not cheating, I am using custom character and she's quite tough. Also I tried to kill all the skeletons from the distance with arrows. Inside I used Ebony sword which I picked from the dead Bosmer girl.


But I must admit - Lich King is too tough an opponent so I left him waiting for my return and his death when I grow in experience a bit. :)

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