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Having trouble with HGEC/EC and Hi-res textures


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I've been struggling trying to get HGEC OR EC working.


I installed HGEC originally, and it doesn't even changed anything. I've quadruple checked to make sure everything was installed according to the directions, and it didn't work. I tried installing Ozmo's Hi-rez textures for HGEC, and still, nothing.


I then completely uninstalled HGEC, and Ozmo's textures, and then installed the OMOD version of Exnem's EyeCandy, and I made some progress. The meshes showed up in game. Great success! But still, Hi-Res textures are not working when I go to install them. So far I've tried Nec's and one other (I think it was Ozmo's for EC, as well), but I've had no success.


I've been reading some of the comments on the download pages for each, and it seems there's other people as well that are having this problem. I'm wondering if it's maybe a Windows 7 problem? I'm pretty sure it's not an 'operator error' or PEBSAK, so if anyone could help me out, that'd be great.


I also forgot to mention, I'm trying to get this to work for my CM partner, one of DivineAvenger's, Aliyah. I'm sure it has nothing to do with anything, but who knows.


Thanks in advance!

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The game is installed through Steam.


I have a couple mods running, and everything works fine. All the other mods I have are quest mods, some house mods, COBL, OBMM, OBSE, etc. The only mod I have that I think would possibly conflict is Reznod's Mannequins, but I've since uninstalled it after I installed EC.

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The only mod I have that I think would possibly conflict is Reznod's Mannequins, but I've since uninstalled it after I installed EC.


Reznod's Mannequins won't conflict with body replacers. And have you tried to install Archive Invalidation Invalidated? If you have any trouble with texture replacer, by installing it you won't need to mess with ArchiveInvalidation.txt ever.


Another thing is, make sure these files are in correct place, if you installed any famale body replacer:

Under \Data\Meshes\Characters\_male:

- femalefoot.nif

- femalehand.nif

- femalelowerbody.nif

- femaleupperbody.nif

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I just installed that mod, and still no dice.


And yea, all the body replacement files are in the right spot. The body replacement mod isn't the problem now, it's the damn hi-res textures that are giving me the heartache.

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I'm pretty much having a similar problem, can't seem to get HGEC to work, meshes are in the right place and everything is proper. I still have the same vanilla model =/


What OS are you using? Maybe both of us can find out what's causing the problem by narrowing down our similarities.

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I'm pretty much having a similar problem, can't seem to get HGEC to work, meshes are in the right place and everything is proper. I still have the same vanilla model =/


What OS are you using? Maybe both of us can find out what's causing the problem by narrowing down our similarities.

I've got Vista, i've replaced the 4 needed nif files (upper, lower, hand foot) and even did the texture files. I'd be happy if the meshes would work and then i could work on the texture files and as to why they aren't working.


so far my best result has been textures on vanilla model in the wrong places (the thighs had boobies >.>)


EDIT: Also I run the Steam version of Oblivion, using wrye bash and manualling installing(pretty sure i am computer savvy enough to understand whats goes where ;P )

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