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Best way to deal with guard dialogue?


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I've got a guard set up, an entirely new actor not using any templates, who is a lowly guard in Windhelm. I was about 3/4 of the way done with the quest he was involved in when I remembered the Civil War. So I set up factions that were used for Stormcloak guards, removing the one associated with Guard Dialogue because I want him to have his own dialogue and not the guard dialogue. But then I remembered that would mess up dialogue for things like I know you... And repercussions on his character depending on the outcome of the war...


So how would you go about dealing with him for the Civil War? Should I just disable him while the siege is going on in Windhelm, or is there an alternative?


Secondly, and most importantly, how do I set up his voice for the guard stuff? I found the two guard quests - DialogueCrimeGuards and DialogueGuardsGeneral. I don't care about the General dialogue since he has his own specific to him, but for the DialogueCrimeGuards, I noticed many of the guard dialogue lines have the condition GetInFaction CrimeFactionReach. But that should be for Markarth, right? So do I need to add him to CrimeFactionReach or am I just really, really blind?

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3dnpc has some utility guard npc's who are exactly like that, might look into the scripting for this mod.


As for you second question, there're two "wait... I know you" lines that don't have any hold conditions in CK.




It seems that the Reach lines specifically have something to do with The Forsworn Conspiracy...? All other Reach conditioned lines I see are them referencing Cidnha Mine and such.

I believe that spawning a Stormcloak guard if the Impies control the town will result in the Impie guards gangbanging the Stormie once they see him... I remember this happening once as a result of one instance of careless coding in a mod. Might be wrong on this point, though. I would try removing all factions that have "Stormcloak" in them, but keeping the "Guard" ones. The "I know you" lines require just being a Guard.


In case everything else fails, make a utility type character character with a generic name like "Minor Guard Officer". Might give him a package to stay in the interior during the siege (see how Inconsequential NPC's did it with its streetwalkers) as for him not to break immersion during the siege. You can even enable him at quest start and disable him at quest end.


Sorry I wasn't be able to be more helpful.

Edited by LoneWolfEburg
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Well that's strange, there's a package on Citizens (up to 20) for CWResolution01 and 02, which are the capitol attacks. I would assume it sends them inside, but it's a simple sandbox near where you are package.


I might be looking at it wrong though, if anybody has any input.


EDIT: Technically, he should fit the conditions for a citizen, I believe (is not a CWSoldier, which he's not, not exiled, which he shouldn't be, is an NPC, which he is, and is in the capitol being attacked, and he always stays in Windhelm), so I think it's all good.

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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Indeed, which I was going to look at.


Er... If you have Inconsequential NPCs installed, could you show me a screenshot of the package, and it's conditions? My internet connection is so so right now, and while I can totally download Inconsequential NPCs it'll probably take a while. The package should be pretty easy to do, just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

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