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CharGenMorph Compiler doesn't acknowledge my XML files


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I have been trying to get the LOTC's hair tints, pineappletree's vibrant colors, and CharGen overhaul mods to merge into a single file using the compiler, but it keeps saying there are no XML files to compile. The my documents pathway is correct, and I have set it to ignore the root launcher because I couldn't find it, but no dice. I have also tried it with the CharGenMorph files in separate subfiles and without. I know the mods work by themselves, but without the compiler I have no idea how to get them to work at the same time. Any suggestions?

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If you can't still get it to work then you can always edit the chargenmorph file by yourself. It' sounds at first maybe a bit tedious but you just have to use copy and paste and paste the lines under the corresponding sections.

When I started to use mods I have always used the compiler. It's a great tool but since I make my own mods I prefer to edit the chargen by myself. It's really easy. :)

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Ummm... presuming that you really mean you're having problems with the DA2 versions of those mods, (even though you posted in the DAO "Mod Troubleshooting" forum) your screenshot shows that you have NO paths specified for DA2. That will cause a total fail. (See the helpful note on this topic that Terra_Ex, the Compiler's author, provided. It's right there at the bottom of your screenshot!)


You actually do have to tell the Compiler where the DA2 game, (and your "\override" folder for it) can be found, since different install channels use different paths! http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif

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yeah, make sure that it has your installation path correct. If you have a STEAM download, the path is different, I do believe.

Also, if you chose to try to edit the xml file manually, you will need to open the file with a word processing program like notepad, wordpad, word, etc. For these kinds of editing I prefer notepad++ (a freeware that you can find with a net search) due to the fact that it breaks the lines up with different colors, making it easier to navigate since you're not looking a big block of black and white.

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