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Gary in Oblivion?


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As many of you might know That I have quite a selection of Gary mods for Fo3.


I been pondering and pondering what it would be like for a Gary Companion or 20 to keep ya company on those cold lonesome nights weather you walking on the outskirts of the imperial City or Hunting for Dear in the Jeral mountains.


Got the sound files already from The Gary Companion mod for fo3 and Ill make a feeble attempt at making a gary Face.


just want peoples Opinions and Comments PLUS how do you do the LIP files so that they look like they saying Gary too.


want Gary for Oblivion as I want the Adoring Fan for Fo3. (:

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Not Been to Vault 108?! Your missing out my Friend! Youd have a Garyful o Luaghs! xD


Ive been trying to make such a Mod using another custom follower Mod as the Skeleton + replaceing the Dialogue files but so far no so good as mien Cpu is being a *censored* about it.


*Unstable* is a word I use for it but cpu repairs dont exactly come cheap these days.


Bah anyways ill keep trying

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