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Isn't there a DA soundtrack file floating about here somewhere?


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Kinda depends on what you mean. If you mean actual SOUNDTRACK, then yeah... thats how you'd have to get it.

If you're talking about the music and sounds used in the game, their available here- http://social.bioware.com/project/1331/ in the last file in the list. Tho we're gonna have to get your toolset workin, in order for you to access them, and I have NO idea how to convert them to a format that is playable.

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Kinda depends on what you mean. If you mean actual SOUNDTRACK, then yeah... thats how you'd have to get it.

I can confirm that the "official" soundtrack is on the "Collector's Edition" (son's Christmas present) Bonus Disc.

Composer: Inon Zur. Total of 18 tracks, 36 minutes.




Honoring copyrights (and as a one-time coder and wanna-be writer, gotta respect those!) I'll not post the files themselves.


But maybe we can start a write-in campaign to get it released on iTunes :whistling: (A crucial question might be: "Should we address that effort to Bioware, or EA?")


Anyway, I'm listening to it as I type this...

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What's that I am the One_Remix at the bottom by DJ Killa?

It's I am the One with DJ Killa (a Seattle-area dj, apparently) laying a beat and rapping under/over the song. (Trying to make it dance-able, maybe?)


While I really like some pieces I've heard in that style, I wasn't impressed with this one. :down:


@Paxan; Thx for the link! Almost twice as many tracks on the full album at iTunes than on the bonus disc. But at USD9.99, I think I'll pass since I already have the set above.

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