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Starting the first quest with new game not working


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Hi recently i have installed mods that work ot my knowledge.


The only thing is that when i start a new game, the guy who talks to you in the prison doesnt talk and i just sit in the cell unable to start anything


This is due to mods but i dont know if there is a fix? i tried it will 1 mod at a time and its with all of them :\


Any help please?

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Unfortunately some mods will overwrite others and will create conflicts and malfunctions.

You should use BOSS to sort the mod list, and Wrye Bash to create a Bashed Patch, which will solve most problems.


The two pages should have informations about how to run both.


Oh, please be sure to have the last Oblivion version, too. It should be version 1.2.0416

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