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Wierd texture problem with Fallout 3 mods....


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I downloaded the solid snake armor and retexture mod and stuff and also downloaded a m4 mod and they all seemed to like adapt a texture to the model to my surroundings like if I was next to a rock it would turn to a rock texture if I was next to a steal wall it would have that texture. It won't use the actual texture it was made with....



Edit: Will this file: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=944 ....... Fix my problem?

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Yes. Alternatively, if you use FOMM, just click the toggle invalidation button.

Where would this "Toggle Invalidation Button" be exactly?

Depending on which version of FOMM you are using, look across the top of the window for the tab "Tools". Left click on it and in the drop down menu, look to the bottom for "Archive Invalidation." Make sure there is a check mark to the left. If there is a check mark, uncheck it and answer "yes" in the pop-up and close FOMM. Reopen FOMM, left click "Tools" and place a check mark alongside "Archive invalidation". Answer yes to the pop-up. You should do this everytime you add, change or delete a mod.

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