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How about an animation overhaul?


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Although I'm new to this forum, I have been playing Fallout 3 for quite some time now and I'm amazed at the variety of mods available for the game. I don't really have time to mod the game myself, so I'm immensely grateful for this fact.


Whilst I realise that much of FO3 is unrealistic in several areas, I have so far managed to mod these (by installing the mods of others) such that almost everything is as realistic as it can be (with the exception of the invincible 200 year old buildings) and I have thus far been happy with the results. There is one thing that still bothers me, however, and this is the lack of emotion and gesticulation in the NPC's.


I think that an absolutely brilliant (but shockingly difficult to implement) mod would be one that tweaks character interactions and animations such that facial movement and expression, as well as other related animations are made to be more expressive and "real".


I know that this is most likely an incredibly huge project, but perhaps if enough people show interest it can be done.


In case a mod like this already exists, please inform me, if it doesn't, please don't hate me if I'm being unrealistic.

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That isn't what he requested. Read the request before "lern 2 serch nub", okay? The re-animated mod doesn't really do much for interaction and expression animations. I think maybe it does about... nothing? For those specific animation sets. It's fantastic for movement and stance and all of that, but expressive behaviors still have the normal animations.
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Thank you very much, it's good to see somebody who pays attention to the small print. To "bfg10k17", I apologise, I must admit my topic title is rather misleading but I couldn't change it once I'd set it (an oversight on my part). More on topic however, any further feedback as to my request will be greatly appreciated. Thank you (to any and all who are interested).


Mind you, considering the poor topic title, I think I should remake this topic with a better title, that way I don't have to hang on to an ailing topic, and more people will actually consider my request. The following link refers to the newer topic:


Emotional Interactions

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