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Why do people hate on dwarves so much?


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I always read comments about how bad dwarf companions are (Sigrund, Oghren), how it isn't cool to play one. Never mind that ALL romance/sex mods ignore dwarves....why do people hate dwarves so much?


Seriously, I know they are short but they are also cool in their own way....

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I don't think that people hate dwarves so much, I think it has to be in terms of design of the companions and many people just hate drunks or perky people. There is a dwarven appreciation thread in the Official forums here. Maybe we should make one for all the dwarf lovers
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I actually like playing dwarves, and I made an Oghren board for all of his "lovers" out there that just enjoy his one liners. (I know you know this already Stardusk, but this is for those who see this an do not know about it yet wonder the same thing as you are)


As for the romance mods, speaking from experience they are just a b(*&h to work with. The model resizes without any reason when trying to make a pairing with another race, so to get the scenes to look right ends up similar to the vanilla scenes. (BW just used tricky camera angles to hide this, because if you look at different camera angles in the toolset for the vanilla scenes the dwarf model is actually bigger than a human model) There have been some good mods involving dwarves out there, but I agree there are fewer of them than others.


I have also noticed that there is a dislike of dwarves like you, and it makes me wonder as well since I think a lot of people don't even try them out before making their judgement about them. I have my own theory about this, but I will save that to myself since it could be inflamatory to some, and best not to ruffle feathers. However, if you want a glimpse into what I think, Stardusk, check my headmorph mod on NPC's, and you will see a pattern to my heads that might explain my feelings as to what is severly lacking in this game. And because I have not seen other mods make the same pattern as mine leads me to think that the dislike of dwarves follows the same reasoning behind what I think is missing.

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I don't really hate them but I am not overly fond of them either. Part of that is due to the fact they remind me of my neighbors, especially the women - wide, loud, fat-of-neck, homely and obnoxious (my neighbors more than the dwarves really.) I have actually come to appreciate Oghren's humor as long as I can get his approval up high enough before using him in the party. I usually show up at Orzammar with a wagon load of booze. Zev wonders where he gets it :rolleyes:


The beards just plain suck, they don't look right and usually dip into just about any armor available but that is entirely Bioware's fault for doing a lousy job on them and that is the main reason I don't like playing them as a PC. (I have a beard and if it looked and behaved like any of the ones I have seen in the game I would go back to scraping a piece of steel across my face.)

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I don't really hate them but I am not overly fond of them either. Part of that is due to the fact they remind me of my neighbors, especially the women - wide, loud, fat-of-neck, homely and obnoxious (my neighbors more than the dwarves really.) I have actually come to appreciate Oghren's humor as long as I can get his approval up high enough before using him in the party. I usually show up at Orzammar with a wagon load of booze. Zev wonders where he gets it :rolleyes:


The beards just plain suck, they don't look right and usually dip into just about any armor available but that is entirely Bioware's fault for doing a lousy job on them and that is the main reason I don't like playing them as a PC. (I have a beard and if it looked and behaved like any of the ones I have seen in the game I would go back to scraping a piece of steel across my face.)


Hmm...well the dwarf women do have a great rack! :tongue:

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i hate dwarfs because they have way too long arms, and run really weird, i don't mind oghren and sigrun they r alright its when i control one it stupid. sorry i am one of those dwarfen(sp) haters
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Because they're jealous of our awesome sexiness, that's why.


No, really, I don't know. I think dwarves are pretty cool, and the dwarf society was very interesting. The Orzammar questline had some of the hardest decisions in the game (which is a good thing), and playing as a dwarf you get a whole new perspective on it. I didn't care much for Oghren, but Sigrun was hands-down my favourite companion in Awakening.


Though I have to agree with RustyBlade that the beards in this game look terrible. Fortunately DA dwarves aren't as beard-obsessed as those in some other stories XD.

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I dont hate all dwarves, just a lot of them in Orzammar.

I absolutely hate the dirty politics that their leaders play. Especially in a time of world-threatening crisis.


And I really, really strongly disagree with that whole caste and paragon load of hooey.


Oghren I can play both sides of the fence on. yeah, he's funny, and he can be kinda like a lil puppy dog following around behind you looking up at you and wagging his tail. But he can also be obnoxious and crude. And for personal reasons....I dont like drunks.

Sigrun... well.... I played DAA ONCE so I have no opinion there, other than her vanilla morph left room for improvement. Tho, so did Velanna's, IMO (tho moreso in Lanna's case!).

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