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Slight Performance Boost


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I have been using this program for quite some time. It isn't something that is going to give you a crazy performance boost, but it will help somewhat.


What it does is close any nonessential processes and background programs that are running while you play the game. It will not permanently alter anything. There are 2 modes, Gaming and Normal. While running it minimizes to the tray, when you bring it back to normal you can just close it out. There is also a second option with the program to defrag your game folder, I have never used it so I cannot comment on it's usefulness.


Here is the link: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html


Hope it helps some :)


Edit: FYI Normally I get about 125-150mb back using it, I have gotten as much as 200mb. It works with xp/vista/Win7

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I have been using this program for quite some time. It isn't something that is going to give you a crazy performance boost, but it will help somewhat.


What it does is close any nonessential processes and background programs that are running while you play the game. It will not permanently alter anything. There are 2 modes, Gaming and Normal. While running it minimizes to the tray, when you bring it back to normal you can just close it out. There is also a second option with the program to defrag your game folder, I have never used it so I cannot comment on it's usefulness.


Here is the link: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html


Hope it helps some :)


Edit: FYI Normally I get about 125-150mb back using it, I have gotten as much as 200mb. It works with xp/vista/Win7

Some other tips:


Set program as high priority:

-Open notepad

-Paste this in there

@echo off
start /high GAME_NAME

-Change game location and game name (ex. oblivion.exe)

-Save as .bat file

-Oblivion setup for high priority would look like this:


@echo off
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\"
start /high oblivion.exe


Use >2gb in games:

Here (works in just about every game)


Turn off visual effects more maximum performance:

-Right click My Computer and go to Advanced System Settings

-Go to Performance>Settings

-Adjust for best performance


For AMD Computers:

Get AMD Fusion and under the AMD tab, select Max Performance Online, or offline.


Also, defragging is key. Enjoy!

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