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Brand NEW Space Station Plan

Rachel Faith

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OK, I finally got around to doing Mothership Zeta. WOW. Totally changed my whole view of the game. Forget dark dreary fallout, Space IS the final frontier.


So, I have done some mods. Played with geck. Added rooms. Made my own mini dungeon and hack enough of everyone elses mods to think I am ready to take on a HUGE project.


I am making this post to see if anyone is interested in working on this with me, as this will be far beyond what I could do in months alone.


Essentially, I have seen all the half dozen or so space station, space ship, mother ship mods and found them all lacking in various ways and wanted to start over and see if we could get something very detailed and yet very easy to follow.


One of the biggest complaints I see and feel personally with mods and some vanilla is the Dungeon feel. Winding staircases, rooms that do not connect to anything, just a long tunnel to nowhere.


I am going to start with a VERY clear and basic, yet LARGE scale that flows and is exceptionally easy for players and their companions to navigate. As well as stock it with useful items.


Lighting is another huge issue. Think Star Trek BRIGHT, CLEAR and no shadows.


So, before I post some links and pics, who out there would be interested in working on such an endeavor?

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I don't mod Fallout but maybe you should tell them more about your idea instead of a background of how you got the idea.


You might want to add your floor plan (what kind of rooms will there be)


an idea for a quest to get this space station I am assuming.


And make it sound a bit more interesting sell your idea to people remember people don't normally look on the forums for ideas that they can do or help out on and all you have that even tells them what your idea is the title.


Also list what you are now able to bring to this mod can you do interiors? Quests? what are you able to accomplish?



This is my first and prolly last time posting in the Fallout 3 forum because I mod Morrowind so this is just some friendly advice to get more people to help your cause.

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Here is the basic layout.


It will be 6 stand alone modules using standard doors with hidden teleport as per vanilla not the trek beam me teleports. Those will be used in other places.


The design will be easy because 3 of the 6 are identical except for the content and for discussion we will number them 4 5 and 6 last.


This leaves 1 2 and 3 for the center top to bottom with 1 being the main structure, 2 being the center hub and tunnels and 3 being the docking bay at the bottom



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You had me until "Think Star Trek BRIGHT, CLEAR and no shadows."


That doesn't tell us enough. Even if most of the community agrees with your conclusion, the OP obviously has his reasons for "Star Trek BRIGHT, CLEAR, and no shadows". You provided no reasons against "Star Trek BRIGHT, CLEAR, and no shadows".


It should be apparent that this topic is not just a poll for submitting a yes or no answer with no explanation. Use a forum for its purpose please.


If you want to exchange one liners, do that on some instant messenger or online chat-room.


If I am mistaken, it is the fault of your vagueness.


@Original Poster,

I much like your drawings of the space ship! What exactly is the plot that links the space-ship to Fallout3 or Mothership Zeta's storyline?

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My influences for the "plot" are something alone the lines of the other 6 months later space station mod. But I didn't care for the nazi like fascist over tone. I want to be what WOULD a 30th level savior of the wasteland DO if they actually found a "mother" ship and all that tek? Never walk alone again is my answer. And take it and build something from it, and get the best minds, and make their own version of the Enclave, Brotherhood etc. Personally, I am a girl and I have collected about all the girl companions, even the rather overtly over sexy ones designed by bad boys, and made my own "Sisters of Steel" along with Sarah Lyons. So, thats about as far of a plot as I have now.


My point in the design in simplicity.


Having all these random tunnels which are dictated by the maze like "you can't overlay like real blueprints" of the game itself. I want to find and make a design that both looks good, works and where you don't get lost.


So imagine "Red Rock, Citadel, Fort Bannister, Ten Penny, etc, all in space. A community, science lab, project purity, education, etc.


Yeah, I am a goody two shoes, so no evil plot to rule the world stuff. But I could do up a quest where you evil types run into us and TRY. LOL


How's that?

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You had me until "Think Star Trek BRIGHT, CLEAR and no shadows."


It is a new ship. Thus it should be clean and have lights where one can see what one is doing. Tired of the dungeon and shadows look of the wastes all day. And some mods have just abysmal lighting. That's all.

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