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Complete UnInstal? (Vista)

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I install Oblivion CDs 1 and 2 and then try re-installing both of them. When I do, I've noticed that all of my mods and saved games are still there. How do I completely re-install Oblivion so everything on this game starts fresh on Windows Vista? No mods. No saved game data. Kind'a like installing it like I played the game for the very first time. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


EDIT: I just recently remembered that I moved my game outside of its install point. Tried installing the game with the disc and I get this message:


The oblivion launcher could not find the install program. Run the setup.exe on the oblivion uninstall disc to uninstall.

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did you remember to delete any surviving folders after the uninstall?


What do you mean by surviving folders?

I'll take that as a "no"


uninstalling doesn't remove everything from the game


some folders survive


particularly your data folder and any changes to your game folder.



Failing to delete these means they stay around for the re-install.

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Failing to delete these means they stay around for the re-install.

Are there any folders I shouldn't uninstall?

you are exactly having this problem


why do you want them to stay around?????????????????





from the edit in your original post


it seems like you are also inviting UAC to tapdance on your face


Sounds like you installed Oblivion in the default location originally


so UAC is making it difficult to uninstall - at all.

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Failing to delete these means they stay around for the re-install.

Are there any folders I shouldn't uninstall?

you are exactly having this problem


why do you want them to stay around?????????????????





from the edit in your original post


it seems like you are also inviting UAC to tapdance on your face


Sounds like you installed Oblivion in the default location originally


so UAC is making it difficult to uninstall - at all.



Is there anyway around this?

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Disconnect from the internet completely and turn off UAC. Move the entire Oblivion Folder from C:Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion to C:Games\Oblivion. Reset the paths your desktop icons use to launch Oblivion,OBMM,CS,etc... Test run Oblivion to insure you made no mistakes. Turn UAC back on again, and do another test run. If this works you can have protection from UAC and still play and mod Oblivion without any major problems.
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