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Crashes on Levelup and Loading


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Or just..."uncorrupt" saved files?



that's why experienced gamers keep literally thousands of saves to fall back upon


for just such emergencies


And no way to extract character data either? And by data I mean things like stats, inventory, appearance, quest states, etc...

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Or just..."uncorrupt" saved files?



that's why experienced gamers keep literally thousands of saves to fall back upon


for just such emergencies


And no way to extract character data either? And by data I mean things like stats, inventory, appearance, quest states, etc...

some of that you can get through Wrye Bash


But probably not all.

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  • 3 months later...

If there's no way around it nobody knows of you must resort to the Failsafe execution system.


1: Uncheck all of your mods


2: Check each mod one-by-one (starting up the game and loading) until you find what did it.


(To save time load up a older working load order)

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