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WATR - Wastelander's Armed Talk Radio!


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Hello, folks! I was looking through some of the Radio stations hosted on site, and I thought an exclusively talk-radio would be a fun project. My current idea is just to have the station where folks debate on the current status of America and the world at large, though for the most part just deal with whatever is going on in the Capital Wasteland and the DLC areas.


One of the reasons this would be fun, of course, is because wherever they are located and broadcasting, they will more than likely get happened upon by looters, slavers, super mutants, and whatever other wasteland dangers decide to go into the poorly defended radio station. Blessed (or cursed) with the immortality to somehow survive these threats, they can give up to the minute details - and even both sides of the conflict - with these various problems, and other such things.


So, my current goal is to just gather up some people to play as the various crew, guests (you know, docile scavengers who might spare some time to talk to the wasteland) and other such people. The name is up for debate as well, though I rather like WATR - the Wastelander's Armed Talk Radio, your source of life in the barren wastes. (That would be the slogan, see.) But anyways, this is just the pitch so let me know what you folks think.

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Sounds interesting. Three-Dogs constant repeated messages get stale, and I have my own music.




Awesome. I like support, but, this is a forum project! As in, good sir, you too could partake of the shenanigans of the talk show if you like. Don't have to be a regular, just some random guy passing through.


As for music, I hadn't really thought of adding any to the station, though we could add some. Make it something like Prairie Home Companion maybe, if folks are familiar with that, just with actual music.

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Excellent! Thus far here is what I have, in terms of talent.


For station personnel, I would have course have one or two characters myself, and maybe act as 'guests' now and again. I have one other person who is confirmed to be interested in being an occasional guest, and then good Draconiko doing whatever he would like to do on the show. Just to give people a firm idea of what I'm looking for at the moment, I'll make a short list.


  • Station personnel of various kinds. More on that later.
  • Various guests, either called in to talk or just wandering in by chance.
  • Raiders, Slavers, etc.
  • Possibly Enclave, BoS, and other faction soldiers showing up. In addition to these, any other interesting occurrences would be nice to think about.


Also, if anyone knows of any good, preferably free programs I could use for the recordings, I'd like to know.

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I've now a second local person who will be guesting for me now and again, but I still need some Forum goers to get off the ground! Namely for the station staff. To elaborate on what I mean by this, it would be the talk show hosts, maybe a weather person (Perhaps could be compatible with the weather mods? Who knows!), one or two news crew, and then miscellaneous positions like a security guard and/or janitor. All in all, really, I only really NEED three or four people playing as the essentials, namely the talk show hosts and news crew. I'd like to have something like Three Dog's all knowing comments on whatever quests the Wanderer has completed, which would make for a nice start.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the idea. I'd just turned off the in-game radio and had been listening to my personal music selection when the pre-set songs and speeches got too old hat for me. Though I personally will not be contributing any sound, I hope you find all the help you need.


~ Acavedo

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  • 2 weeks later...

So has this gotten any more work or has it been completely forgotten? I really like the idea.


~ Acavedo


I have not been able to put more work into it lately, due to my actual work hours - the little amount of free time I usually have is better spent doing other things, and I still don't have any people interested in guesting for the show, which is really what gives it its life. When I can I do intend to produce a solo pack, maybe with some music just to keep it lively, but for now it's one of my lesser priorities.

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Excellent idea - that is if the voices are right of course. The mod itself is easy to do, i did several radio station mods before. Most time here will probably organising, cutting and embedding of the voice actors and their files. If you need technical help with the radio station work then just let me know, its easy to just place a new station and not sacrifice an existing one (Like i saw it in some nub mods).
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