MotoSxorpio Posted September 26, 2014 Share Posted September 26, 2014 papo973 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Troll MotoSxorpioProbably dat MO then. DeathRtHWhat trick? O-O JPCorwynThe ini files in mygames were cloging things up Get yer mind outta the gutter it's blocking my snorkle DeathRtHMy brains a bit scrambled because motherboard research.. the reviews make them all seem like bad choices. X_X MotoSxorpioDon't assume you took my post as other than what it said.17:10 mpiovanehas left the room CannibalAardvarkReviews always make things seem bad. What's especially confusing is when someone votes it 3/5, and then says "It's perfect!" and nothing more. :/ DeathRtHAnyone have experience with Z97 boards? X_X JPCorwynIt's been relatively smooth sailing from tahtpoint forward. MotoSxorpio3/5 and perfect...wut DeathRtHGlad to hear that helped. :X Jannifergeeze...vague much? MotoSxorpioIf I had a Z97 board, I would need the top INtel to put in that...which I do not have the silver to do. DeathRtHYah but the issues with mobos are things not working and comming broken EVGA's $170 MOBO has issues with broken heatsinks on arrival MotoSxorpioRead Overclock forums, usually get a better idea from those and benchmark reviews. DeathRtHApparently anything with "Killer LAN" has issues with drivers MotoSxorpioBroken heatsink could be shipping, not manufactorer. papo973has entered the room Jurek712has entered the room MotoSxorpioYou get a net card for internet, use Killer Lan for only LAN... Jurek712hej czea czeac sa tu polacy DeathRtHBut its a frequent issue, which likely means its the box EVGA uses. and the packaging is insufficient. MotoSxorpioMine (EVGA board) came in two days,'s still being overclocked two years almost later. Though, not a Z79 Get shipping insurance.17:15 Jannifer^ MotoSxorpioThey will eventually get one to you in one piece. DeathRtHI'm not the one ordering, my grandfather is so thats all up to him. papo973whats a good gun mod for skyrim???? MotoSxorpioYOu might get a really big box with lots of bubble wrap too. JanniferI don't use guns in Skyrim. Swords only.... CannibalAardvarkIn all honesty, the Bubble Wrap is the best part of ordering PC components. JanniferThere aren't many gun mods to choose from because they aren't lore friendly. DeathRtHI'm just glad my Enthoo Pro arrived in almost pristine condition papo973lmao swords suck guns are better MotoSxorpioMy mother ordered a camera once...I swear the box for it was 2x2 feet at least...nothing but huge bubbles and a 4x6 inch box in the middle. Jannifer*pop....pop....popopopopop* MotoSxorpioNo...those big big bubbles DeathRtHSlight issue with the top 5.25 Inch bay but..I don't plan on using that so idgah MotoSxorpiolike balloons CannibalAardvarkThe ones that are the size of arm-bands? :O JanniferMy comment was for Aardvark. DeathRtHI got a headset MotoSxorpioI faintly remmebr my brother humming 99 luft ballons in the background DeathRtHthere was 40 feet of protective paper in the box X_X papo973there was a gun mod for skyrim but i didnt like them old ass guns JanniferPapo, you don't get to laugh at someone else's gaming choices. It's rude. MotoSxorpioyeah those, Cannibal DeathRtH40 feet long about 2 feet wide My cat had a ball with it at least. JanniferIf you want to shoot guns, go play one of the Fallout games. papo973its a chating site who cares XD XD MotoSxorpiopapo won't say that, Jann, when they run out of bullets and you have a Heron Marked sword in yer hands. JPCorwynwow; went away for a mo for some water, and...megachat systems: engaged JanniferI do, Papo.... CannibalAardvarkThose one are great for stopping hiccough's. They're so loud they'll scare literally anyone. MotoSxorpio**sighs** JanniferI don't appreciate rude people. yeppers, Moto MotoSxorpioI hope you aren't just going to behave badly cuz this is "only a chatting site" JanniferBlades never run out of ammo. JPCorwyno7? CannibalAardvarko/ MotoSxorpioJann papo973then you got issues to work out jannifer i cant joke with you your a buzzkill17:20 Jurek712has left the room MotoSxorpioThis isn't a bar, so don't expect everyone to act like it is. JanniferStill rude.... IAmDovakiinhas entered the room papo973lmao lets all drink MotoSxorpioIn about just state your issue you came in here for and leave it at that. Jannifergun mods for Skyrim....and not "those old ass guns." DeathRtHI'd drink but I don't have beer. MotoSxorpioLikewiae. CannibalAardvarkWhat's an "Ass gun"? Does it shoot donkeys or something? JPCorwynman, did I pick up at a bad time MotoSxorpio-a+s JanniferMust do, Aardvark. *grin* Nah, JP.... DeathRtHI want to see a gun that shoots donkeys now O-O JPCorwynWell, THAT was fun! Who's for Chinese!? MotoSxorpioStart with catapults, work yer way up, Jann. CannibalAardvarkAh, this must be what they meant.,gun-7d47e632317dbaf4a82d1ab48def0ad1_h.jpg?ts=93246 DeathRtHI bet it already exists for garrys mod, I know theres a cat gun. CannibalAardvarkThat link was longer than I expected, sorry. :/ MotoSxorpioCannibal, that looks like something to make the jackass go faster... IAmDovakiinhas left the room JPCorwynanybody here familiar with non-color shift, non-patern use texturing? MotoSxorpioAnd get a haircut JanniferGreek to me, JP JPCorwyn...and a real job? np, Jan papo973LMMFAO MotoSxorpioI was still talking about the pic.... JPCorwynTrying to import/overlay custom 'art' over armors and shields CannibalAardvarkI actually do need a hair cut... Maybe I should borrow that donkey? MotoSxorpioSeems pretty simple if you don't have a seriously complex UV on the mesh. twowolves80has entered the room JPCorwynI'm stuck w/gimp, atm Verbal EarthwormArchery has many drawbacks17:25 JPCorwynCan't seem to figure a way to overlay the heraldry successfully to have it show as skin on the armor/shiled/clothes twowolves80Day one of the rummage sale? $$$ MotoSxorpioThat is what I used...layers, proper exporting, mip maps CannibalAardvark**points at the door** Get out Worm. XD papo973FOUND A GUN MOD RIFLES HA HA LMAO MotoSxorpiopapo. Good on you, hold the capslock. Thanks. Jannifer12 years JPCorwynK I'll go delve into those sections, then, i suppose. as the item's dds doesn't seem to show more than the one layer, tho; it's ahrder to edit that. so far, at least CannibalAardvarkI'll bite Jann... Is it "What is the average age of CoD players?" MotoSxorpio9 JPCorwynyay billy papo973whos chat sensative lmao Jannifer8 CannibalAardvark7? Fallout10mmhas entered the room JanniferSee? 8...that's the average ElianoraIt's ready! CannibalAardvark:O ElianoraYay CannibalAardvark#2Science4me JanniferYay! Graeskerhas entered the room ElianoraNow can I be bothered to release it DeathRtHWhats ready? Verbal Earthwormmy dinner Jannifer**grabs Elianora and does the Dance of Joy.** DBterpcookies? ElianoraMy new shack lol Verb's sandwich DBterpVE knows it all bout food. JanniferShack my eye.... DeathRtHIf its that awesome house mod with the displays for all the things I'll be sad D: JanniferIt's a very nice cottage. chaosangel239has entered the room Fallout10mmback...and fairly disapointed in my dad CannibalAardvarkI only saw one picture, and I don't play Skyrim, but it did look pretty darned nice. JPCorwynk; so long as I;m not simply missing something blind-related - the buttom on the upper right, jp, opens up the layers you aren't seeing - ot something; I'll head off to do more research. JanniferOkay, evenings kill my download speed. DeathRtHCus I don't want to install skyrim yet cus it takes me 3 days to get everything set up X_X JanniferSorry, Fallout.... ElianoraJann I had to remove the nice trees papo973fallout sucks Janniferoh, poop ElianoraI was getting 20 FPS drop next to the house DeathRtH*pats fallout on the shoulder* I've been there. MotoSxorpio10mm: just cuz you went to the dollar store... JanniferPapo...rude again. Fallout10mmI told him all applications were online now but noooo, I have to go walk down to the dam store in triple digit heat when the humidity is in the 80s! DBterppay it no attention jann papo973so are you by being so nosey jannifer TheNexusLurkerUm is NMM down for anyoen? Jannifer*sigh* MotoSxorpio DeathRtHElianora, if I ever win the lottery I'll send you a couple Titan Z's so you can keep making awesome house mods. :3 CannibalAardvarkYeah Jann, don't be so nosey. **points at sternly** Verbal EarthwormYum Yum Glug Glug JPCorwynthat for me, Moto? Jannifer Fallout10mmnothing like trying to make a good impression to a manager when you're sweating though your shirt MotoSxorpioThat's for whoever can dance to it. Elianorahaha death JanniferI need to find that YouTube video of the Dance of Joy. JPCorwynlaf I got a fevah! papo973you can dance all you want your still gonna be the same weight lmao MotoSxorpioOh, you go for a job, 10mm? DeathRtHTo be fair I have a rather well thought out plan if I ever win the lottery MotoSxorpio**looks at self** MotoSxorpio JanniferOh, I love this. Elianoracraph it's so late again CannibalAardvarkI've got a pretty good lottery-winning plan. It's called "Spend all teh monehs!" ElianoraI don't get to enjoy the fruits of today's labour DBterptomo DeathRtHInvolving a Red Harbinger desk for myself with 2 nearly Identical rigs, and PCs for my friends that have outdated hardware X_X papo973 JPCorwynK; later kidz. Happy Friday, for thosee I don't catch up with later. CannibalAardvarkSee ya o/ Fallout10mmthats why I walked down there moto papo973its friday whos drinking? chaosangel239has left the room DigitalVixenhas left the room CannibalAardvarkI should probably get on with some work, now that it's 23:30.CannibalAardvarkI should probably get on with some work, now that it's 23:30. DBterpprobably tindle MotoSxorpioGood luck 10mm Hope you get it. CannibalAardvark^ DBterpnot me. i got an assignment due at 11pm what monster assigns that as a due date DeathRtH..PM? papo973WHO WANNA GET DRUNK ITS FRIDAY!!!.....? DBterpyes pm Fallout10mmI hope I get the manager job. its the same as the other one, just I open and close and get paid more MotoSxorpioChill yer caps, no reason to raise the roof. DBterpnot unusual. just a bummer thats its on friday. Milleniaeh alcohol isn't all that great Fallout10mmLIES! CannibalAardvarkOh, Mill woke up to give us all a life lesson. DeathRtHI like the taste of stronger beers, not the effect. :X papo973you all suck buzkillers Zelezthelegendhas entered the room Fallout10mmWho are you and what have you done with the real mill? Forzanehas entered the room DeathRtHSame reason I like my coffee black w/o sugar.17:35 CannibalAardvarkBit rude, really. ; _ ; Millenialol JPCorwynhas left the room MotoSxorpioYou don't like chat, you can just as easy leave as to be rude with every post. Milleniait's okay, I can find other ways to enjoy my evening DBterpmilly wants to convert you to where the grass is always greener Millenianow where's my rolling papers.. MotoSxorpio JanniferI love that one...thanks, Moto. Millenia Fallout10mmThe grass is only greener because mill hasnt smoked it yet Yoshhhas left the room papo973i post what i want because i can Forzanelol lol bad mentality to have CannibalAardvark"Becaue I can" ya know, until you end up annoying the wrong guy and getting banned/punched in the face Zelezthelegendhas left the room Forzanethis aint america on the Nexus MotoSxorpioIgnore the troll. CannibalAardvarkWait, it's not? Thank God, I forgot my passport. papo973lmao looks like some one is hating on the words i post on here TheNexusLurkerWhat the best eyeball mod for both males and females? ElianoraYou mean eye replacer? MotoSxorpioDepends if you use ENB or not. ElianoraIridum Eyes CannibalAardvarkStop talking, you're supposed to lurk! **runs away crying** papo973notice im not naming anyone to get them mad they just assume that im talking about them on this chat lol funny Fallout10mmwell anyway, hows everyone doing DBterpdoesnt take much to set off cannibal these days. heho. TheNexusLurkerthanks elianora ill start there17:40 JanniferIridium Eyes are beautiful, but my poor abacus won't render them....they're all brown. MotoSxorpioReduce size TheNexusLurkerabacus? MotoSxorpiopretty sure the vanilla eyes aren't 1-4k TheNexusLurkeryou run skyrim on an ancient Chinese counting device? CannibalAardvarkNah. 8k. 8k eyes are where it's at, next gen yo MotoSxorpio8k eyes, 64k swords...where's Millenia? papo973if your 300 pounds and 5,6 going to a buffet thats a happy death sentence TheNexusLurkeruhh im avoiding uber textures until i upgrade my gpu CannibalAardvarkI don't think Mill can manage that on his own. We need to clone him a few times.But, then we've gotta deal with 4 Millenia's, and I'm not sure I could handle that. Millenia256k apple replacer HD immersive lore-friendly JanniferPretty much, NL Fallout10mmI dont think the world has enough alcohol to support 4 mills CannibalAardvarkYou forget "Body-mod compatible" MIll MotoSxorpioMillenimmersive, HD, Overhaul, God-like. TheNexusLurkerafter seeing drauger eye fix mod, im thinking i might need a jawa custom race mod Graeskerhas left the room Milleniasomeone should make a mod "Immersive Immersion" that covers the entire Tamriel with water MotoSxorpiolol Milleniado it guys, water you waiting for? CannibalAardvarkheh, puns Millenia MotoSxorpioThat would be kinda easy actually, just raise the water level in every cell.... DBterpturn everthing into sharks Forzanelol Moto it papo973i bet non of ya'll wouldnt even handle a 2 shots ya'll pass out on the 3erd shot glass CannibalAardvarkIt makes me ponder why noone's done it before TheNexusLurkerMil when i played marrowwind i always wished they had underwater cities Forzaneup to the throat of the world MotoSxorpioI'm not going through every dang cell, you can do eet, Forz. TheNexusLurkeri searched all of the marrowwind map for a place to play underwater lol Fallout10mmthats how the next elder scrolls game starts, the whole world floods17:45 CannibalAardvarkThe entire game is then played on boats. It's essentially Assassins Creed 4, but more immersive. DBterpits wind waker Milleniayou wake up in an underwater prison TheNexusLurkerits like ya argonians can breathe under water but, we need that Fallout10mmNo its like Water World but with magic instead of guns Milleniain true Elder Scrolls fashion DeathRtH*headdesk* MotoSxorpionow, everytime I see the word "immersive" I'm gonna giggle and see Millenia falling into an iced over lake delivering mail. papo973i downloaded a 99% completed save file ha ha lmfao on skyrim CannibalAardvarkI don't know where you got that mental image from Moto, but I'm glad you shared it. MotoSxorpiolol TheNexusLurkerI want a frost fall mod that fixes argonians papo973ok who here smokes weed? AddictedBlooWho wants stir fry ? um.. . CannibalAardvarkWow, why would you want to do that to the Argonians? Don't you want them to have kids? Fallout10mmooo I'm hungry, I'll take some bloo papo973white term who smokes pot TheNexusLurkerwhen you get really cold it gives you a message saying "you have a strong desire to sleep on large rock" AddictedBloowell that was just bad timing CannibalAardvarkOh, wait, you meant fix as in repair... Never mind. >_> MotoSxorpioDoesn't really matter, it's not a topic to discuss. Find another one, papo. Undivide-_- Restrictions in place As part of the warning, papo973 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot use the chat for the foreseeable future Important links: Our terms of service Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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