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Looking for team members


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Hey guys,


I'm attempting to create a mid-sized mod which includes a small island with some settlements and a background story and questline independent from that of TES IV. The setting and atmosphere will be very medieval and exclude typical fantasy-cliches like giant spiders and orcs. The use of magic will be limited so it is something special and not as common as it was in Oblivion.


I'm generally looking for anyone willing to help, any experience is welcome. I for my part am experienced in 3D modeling and landscape building as well as management stuff as I created a total conversion for Freelancer before.


You can contact me through replying, sending me a PM or adding me on xfire, adress is aigle1789

Best regards

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I would be interested in helping


I can use the CS, but am still learning to script, I could flesh out basic quests


Also is any real template you are thinking of using for the islands size?


Will it be bigger or smaller than the shivering isles?

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