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Robolotion added a big level cap jump.


And that's been out on PC for a month.


If anything, it's strange that gearbox isnt giving the PS3 community any love. Because it's been out on PC since september 27th via gearbox' website.

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Double Anarchy + No Shield + SMG class mod + L33t uberskillz = Winning duels with shield = You feel like a gaming god.



Told'ja. ;) DA is practically cheating. THAT is a gun that needs to be with any siren.




Mine is the best sort though, it's a prank'd double anarchy: not only does it have fantastic statistics for everything but accuracy, but it's visualy identicle to the noob gun Bone Shredder.


My victims have no idea what's coming their way, it looks like a level four lump of junk, but in actuality it's a level sixty-three purple worth over 9,999,999.99 and can kill pretty much anything before the thought "ohmygodIgotwtfpwnedbyaguywithnoshield" can even cross their puny minds.

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I have many guns like that. I feel like I have infinite money since I'm a big pack rat. When I can actually see how much money I have, I know I'm spending too much. :P


Accuracy is relative. If you have around 30 accuracy, that's pretty good.


Remember. Mind games. It's so ridiculous with the anarchy that you'll only need one skill point. Chances are if your opponent needs to be stunned, it is a boss and he'll be taking a ton of bullets. Otherwise, good bye. As long as you got SMG ammo, you're good to go. Keep Volcano handy for flesh enemies, Orion for guardians and things with lots of shields and a defiler to get destroy everything armored. Sirens can easily go solo in this game.


When I'm feeling bored I would just switch things up and pick another fun weapon...like those rapid fire rocket launchers or snipers (in scope or hip fire.) Even if they are big ammo wasters.

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My Siren with a custom Firefly build (I don't follow the traditional "wisdom", here) seldom uses a Double Anarchy, or any Anarchy, for that matter. I've played the Siren, Hunter, and Soldier (I really don't like the style of play pretty much enforced by Brick) and in all cases I specialize in sniping as my primary weapon-based method of eliminating enemies. The Anarchy, obviously, sucks big time as a sniper, and simply chews up too much ammo at anything other than very close range. My SMG of choice with that Siren (level 48) is a top-of-the-line Hellfire, with good accuracy and a scope good enough to actually use it as my primary sniping weapon. I have a Volcano, but seldom use it unless I really need the additional raw damage for a one-shot kill.


The only time my DA ever saw a lot of use was in the Knoxx DLC, for use against those danged flying 'bots -- DA for the win in that case, since everything else I had was so accurate I was missing more often than hitting when they started weaving and bobbing around. Before I got my Hellfire I used the DA as my close-in weapon of choice, since I still hadn't found a shotgun that I liked, but for medium to long range I had an incendiary SMG (stinger) with x3 fire damage that was pretty good. It got dumped when I found my first Hellfire, though, even though the Hellfire did less raw damage and had a much slower fire rate.


Vindekarr, are you actually admitting that your DA is a modded weapon? I'm not sure what you mean by "prank'd", but I don't recall ever seeing a DA that was identical in appearance to Bone Shredder. As far as playing this game without a shield, maybe if it would respond more quickly to my commands I could do that, except going up against the bosses. I tend to hide a lot because with a frame rate as low as I get it's virtually impossible to dance and fire at the same time. I either shoot around corners or stand out in the open and absorb bullets until I'm able to get my weapon aimed correctly, which can take four to six seconds, what with the over and under corrections you do when you're watching a slide show instead of getting smooth play. So, I've become pretty good at using cover.


I still can't imagine going up against a mob of enemies without a shield, though. I have no idea, for instance, how you would survive against a multiple psycho rush like you get in places like Sledge's Safe House. Of course, at level 65 you can absorb so much damage and deal out so much damage that most of the opponents in the game are little more than cannon fodder. At level 48 I can take out Nine-Toes in two shots, Sledge in about four or five, and Skagzilla lasts about ten to fifteen seconds -- I even killed the big monster, once, at level 40 using nothing but melee attacks and my shield (which was a Panacea shield, so you know it wasn't very high capacity) never went down. Levels mean a lot more in this game than a lot of people give them credit for.

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Watch your tone.


It's pranked because it looks like something it isnt.


It was shear luck of the draw. Anarchy guns are either Tediores or Dhals. Mine is a Tediore, and a LOT of tediore SMGs look suspiciously like the Bone Shredder, since it's about the only other good SMG tediore makes. Colour and fittings are about as random as statistics.


My current anarcy is silver-white with pale green, and has exactly the same fittings and sight as the most common type of Bone Shredder, as used by the game's second weakest boss, Bone 'Ead. Likewise you can occsionaly get weapons that look like boss guns but have ridiculously good stats comepared to their underpowered boss wielded counterparts.


My Vengeance looks vaguely like The Clipper, I once owned a Jacobs shotgun that was a dead ringer for Sledge's ShotGun. You just have to get lucky.


I do not hack, in any game, and I find your suggestion that I did, insulting.


Im a bit of a lucky charm in Borderlands, my best and most expesnive item is a Catalyst Class Mod. It's a standard one, unmodded, and I've seen six of them since I started playing the game(they're rare as owl's teeth though, something like one in four hundred chests with classmods) but it gives not only excellent generalised skill boosts, that is to say, amped up elemental chance, boosts to a few main skills, but it also has every player's favorite bonus: + loot chance.


+loot chance acts like a lucky charm, it basicaly tells the game to show the good stuff virtualy every time you open a chest. This C-Mod was found in the final chest of Skag Gully, is a vanilla item, (level 49, Anshin, purple) and automaticaly ups the colour grade of any loot in chests a full class, and makes golds drop more often. This item is the most expensive thing I own-it's hella useful since it makes you unendingly rich(you get puroke/gold guns out of almost all lockers too, it's not just chests, and ammo crates are always full to bursting) but it's the secret to my uncomparable arseonal.


I am however not a packrat, I sell pretty much everything I get, I usualy only carry a certain quota of goods, usualy a few of each class of gun, each with it's own role and overall class. My absolute limit for the number of items I carry to use it 20, despite having maxed storage capacity. This, combined with the fact that I havent reset in 17 months(mwuahahaahahahahahaha!aa!! envy that!) means Im sitting on a pile of money so high the game cant even count it all. My income per day of play is usualy 90+ million, since I play about an hour daily since launch, this makes me what we in the WarHammer community call a "flash git"-I have everything worth having, including the gane's only solid gold 1400 DPH Revoler, and the only PRO Protector that doesnt suck, and Im really proud of it.

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Huh. Thought the whole "pranked" thing was self-explanatory.


Levels mean a lot more in this game than a lot of people give them credit for.


I have no idea what you're talking about or what people you're talking to, because people were ecstatic and going bananas over the level increases and skill points. Your level factors into so much into this game, I don't know how people could possibly give it a lack of credit. Levels mean weapons, class mods, health and your skill tree. In short, everything, really.


The Anarchy, obviously, sucks big time as a sniper, and simply chews up too much ammo at anything other than very close range.


Never said it was the jack of all trades and I did mention this in the stickied Borderlands topic. (Do we really need three topics for the same game?) DA is just amazing against the tanks, which normally require excessive amounts of resources or other players. In some cases you can do what is otherwise impossible. It makes soloing the entire game ridiculously easy, and as a result, you can hold your own ground without breaking a sweat. For everything else? Spin the trait roulette wheel and pick the weakness. As a siren it makes this game even easier. Sirens have a panic button for crying out loud.

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Here's another pair of guns of unparralleled epicness to add to the pile:


Vladof BlastHammer, It's level 49, it's unendingly rare, it's butt-ugly, but god damn, though I'm at level 70, it's my best shotgun ever. Period.


The reason for this is that it's got Jacob's damage paired with Vladof refire rate. This crazy full auto shotty handles a bit like an AA-12, simply point n squeeze the trigger-it fire's it's 9-round mag in just under a second for roughly 18K+ damage up close. Bosses soak it up better than grunts, butr for shredding through enemies that like to go hand to hand, this devestatingly powerful, hyper rapid fire, bayonette equiped, fire spewing, explosion causing, bright orange monstrosity is the best gun I've ever had.


My other epic new toy is a totaly random purple. A level 69 Atlas Pearl-havoc. It's easily the best CR I've ever had. Now normaly I favour either a Cobra classed AR, or a Stomper with a mighty big scope(essentialy a Halo 4 DMR) But this one's the best I've ever seen. Stat for stat it's identicle to my 66 Tediore Genocide Cobra, thus far the best mid range sniper gun I've seen, but it's got a thirty-six round mag, a glittering paint-job, a very nice engraved pattern on the stock, and the phenominal combination rate of fire accuracy and ultra low recoil that makes for a truly superb marksman's CR.




Oh and Ferryt, the Anarchy is actualy a sniper's best friend. No sniper I've ever met would be arrogant enough to think they could nail everyone before they got up close and had to put their longarms away. I too favour long range combat, but I always carry an Anarchy and a Reaper for when the enemy inevitably gets hand to hand-trust me, a good short range gun will save your life.


I've survived for 17 months of daily play without dying simply because I leave nothing to chance. One day the impossible will happen to you, may aswell make sure you can survive it when it does. If I died right now, I'd lose more money than most players would gain in their entire career, and I know full well that one day I just wont be good enough. But the reason that day has been postponed for 17 months straight is because I've got the guns and the knowledge to handle any eventuality.


Travel light, but always carry contingency arms. An Anarchy, a top of the range shotgun, a sniper rifle, a second SR that you use solely for it's scope(I've got a cyclops for this, 6.7 X zoom) a quick to draw, quick to reload pistol for if you get knocked down, and a top of the range gun from each element.


Lastly, be ready to flee. I often flee a battle or simply aoid one if I cant win. if you cant kill him before he fires off half you shield worth of damage, dont even bother engaging.


The reason Im an interminable badass is because you cant catch me by surprise, contingency is everything and I;ve got a contingency for virtualy anything Borderlands can throw at me. 17 motnhs and counting with no deaths is impressive, maybe even a record, but I achieved that not through some insane level of combat prowess, but rather a commando like ability to see what's coming and react.

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