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Please Help, IDK what's happening!


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I just installed some mods - listed below - as well as Project Nevada. I'm experiencing some visual or whatever in which my character stops moving, the screen blackens, I hear what sounds like puking followed by a feral ghoul noise. This happens every 1-5 seconds and is really quite annoying. Anyone have any ideas or solutions?

And YES I have and use both the most recent versions of FOMM and NVSE, as well as ArchiveInvalidation.


Project Nevada

Danny's Army Surplus Store (Upgraded Version)

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit

Gun Follows Crosshairs in First Person

Halo Assault Rifle Port

MK117 Prototype Combat Power Armor voiced and DMR

Significantly Cheaper Vendor Repairs

Project Nevada Patches


I have tried running the game with all of the mods disabled, too, but the same thing happens.

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