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How can i make my own arena?


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I want to make a mod wich is basically an arena with 20 matches. But seriously...i have no ideia how to do that. I have built up my arena in the CS but how do i make it work with matches and such? Any scripting needed? (I don't understand a thing about scripts) Or just activate some optoins? What do i really need?
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That is a giant can of worms. It is doable but will be a rather extensive task. You will need to duplicate some quests and scripts from the vanilla Oblivion arena, unless you can find a way to use some of the vanilla scripts without conflicting the with the vanilla arena. You might end up doing both approaches looking at situations on a case by case basis. You might decide to throw out the vanilla oblivion way of doing the arena and do it your way with a bunch of quests and scripts you write on your own.


So however you do it, you are going to have to learn a bunch of scripting and quest coding to make your mod.

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