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Mehrunes Razor : Instant Sneak Kill


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I was trying to make it myself, and almost managed to but I ended up ruining one of the original scripts so I'd rather make a mod request. Plus I'm too noobish in the modding area to start messing with scripts.


What I had in mind was going to the following spell : DA07MehrunesRazorMagicEffect


And change its script : DA07MehrunesRazorMagicEffectScript


But I don't want to edit the script itself. What I want is a NEW script that will be used instead of the original so that this one doesn't disappear forever.


Here is the original script :

ScriptName DA07MehrunesRazorMagicEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Faction Property pDA07MehrunesRazorImmuneFaction auto
Weapon Property DA07MehrunesRazor Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    ;Apply this effect if the target is not in the excluded faction
    If akTarget.IsInFaction(pDA07MehrunesRazorImmuneFaction) == 1
        ;1 percent chance to kill target
;         debug.trace(self + " hitting " + akTarget + " with Mehrunes' Razor")
        If (Utility.RandomInt() <= 1)
;             debug.trace(self + "Instant Kill effect applied on" + akTarget)
            If Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(DA07MehrunesRazor) >= 1


I understand the original is this way :


If the target is vulnerable to the effect, then there is a 1% chance that effect will be applied.


I want to change the script to the following :


If the caster is not detected AND if the target is vulnerable to the effect, then the effect will be applied.


I have tried to replace this way :

ScriptName DA07MehrunesRazorMagicEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Faction Property pDA07MehrunesRazorImmuneFaction auto
Weapon Property DA07MehrunesRazor Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    ;Apply this effect if caster is not detected
    If akCaster.IsSneaking == 0
        ;Apply this effect if the target is not in the excluded faction
        If akTarget.IsInFaction(pDA07MehrunesRazorImmuneFaction) == 1
            ;kill target


But ended up insta killing anyone as long as I was crouching.


Could someone do the hard work please ? => Create a NEW mod that will add a NEW script with the desired effects and use it instead of the original ? (last part I can do with the CK to change what script is used).


Thanks in advance.


EDIT : On the detect property, I want to use anything ranging from completly hidden to almost detected, as long as the player is not 100% seen then the effect can be used.

Edited by Aladore384
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Sneak attacks always crit, so it's rather simple to make this without a script. In the creation kit each weapon has a stat called crit dmg, which adds damage to the weapons base damage during crits. Simply increase that to huge heights and sneak attacks with the weapon will always insta kill.

Edited by Valkasha
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Do you have a source for this information? At least for bows, the in-game info suggests otherwise, as you can get the "critical hit" notification while sneaking and it seems to happen at about the same rate as when not sneaking.

Edited by lofgren
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Sneak attacks deal way more damage than critical hits. A standard critical hit does 1.5x damage while a sneak attack with a one-handed weapon does 3x damage. The sneak attack multiplier comes from a game setting while the critical hit damage comes from the weapon. They have separate perk entry points and apply in different circumstances. I think they just reused the sound effect. This is the first time I've seen the claim that all sneak attacks automatically crit.
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