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[HELP] Constant Crashing After Loading Screen


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Oh O.O Now that I remember I had the latest 1.2.12 Yesterday but there was a bug that made BOSS not work properly, and I've found on the internet that all I have to do is install the older version the 1.2.11 so I just got the installer and Installed it over without uninstalling 1.2.12. Guess I should reinstall back 1.2.12 since I'm using LOOT now

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No, keep 1.2.11 . 1.2.12 is bugged. When you start Skyrim without SKSE does that work. Another thing you can try is to create a new profile in MO with no mods enabled and local save games. The try to start Skyrim through SKSE and see if it works Edited by bojanni
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Ok I made a new profile on MO just to test as you said if it works and Yes it works, If I launch Skyrim throught SKSE without MO works also and It also works when I launch without anything just Skyrim. So with my deduction I guess is one of the mods that bugs, what I can do now is make a new profile and install the mods with care checking from time to time if the game starts or not. I'll try that and inform you if it works with the hope to find that little pain in the a**

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Yesss :D I installed them again carefully checking each 10-15 mods installed starting skyrim to see if it works, and now I just finished reinstalling all my mods and now it works perfectly :D Thanks bojanni for all your assistance <3 <3 <3.


I think I figured what the problem is :P. When I removed NMM and started a new install of my mods on MO, I just launched Skyrim at the start before installing just to make sure everything is back to vanilla, then I installed AAAAAALL my mods together, that would be arround 200 Mods without checking Skyrim at time if it still works. I think this was my mistake that f*#@ed up my skyrim not letting it load neither a new game or a save

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