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Giant Hunting Guild


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This idea is a guild for people that hunt giants. There should be 10 people in the guild- 4 nords, 3 bosmer, 2 orc, 1 altmer. Two of the Nords should be guards in watch towers. One of the other nords would be the Leader and founder. The other nord would be the founder's sister, a blacksmith. One of the Bosmer would be a merchant that sells light armor,bows/crossbows and arrows/bolts. the other two bosmer would give you radiant quests: 1 would be to track down a pair of giants that travel and have been blocking trade routes 2 the other going and wiping out a giant and its herd of mammoths. The altmer should be an enchanter/alchemist that sells poisons deadly to giants and weapons enchanted to deal 20% more damage to giants. One orc would be a Archery master trainer, he should also be able to sell you a tamed wolf that is very fast and has raised HP. you should be able to buy 2 at a time. the other orc is a chef who sells LOADS of produce and food.


The M.Q. should invole a hunting down a giant queen and a rival guild that want giants to thrive. All of the members should mostly use crossbows as crossbows are good against giants.

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