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Hey everyone. I know this board gets spammed with messages like this but hear me out. I have an idea for a major mod concept titled, "Fallout: Project NYF".


The story begins in the Capital Wasteland when you recieve a mysterious radio signal. A man by the name of Peter


is speaking on the radio signal. The message reads, "If anyone can hear me, my name is Peter. I need your help. I


am stationed to the far North East. I come from a place called the *New York Federation*. Weve fallen into some


dark times and we need your help.". The story revolves around Post-War New York City. There are five factions


that have re-colonized the Five Boroughs of New York City. Manhattan is now *Liberty's Republic*, a military region


who's mission is to protect the wastelanders living in the ruins of old New York City. Brooklyn is now *The Post*, a


major trading hub in the NYF. The Bronx is now *Refuge*, a region colonized by runaway and rebel slaves. Queens is


now *The Concrete Valley*, a hostile region filled with Raiders, Mutants, and other horrible creatures. Staten Island is


the Capitol of the *New York Federation*.


There are also four factions. The first is the *New York Federation Rangers*, They govern Staten Island, *The Post*, and *Refuge*. They


were the first group to organize after the Great War.


The next faction is *Liberty's Republic Army*, who hold governing power over there own region. They also travel out into the wastes to help wastelanders.


They were the second group to form after the Great War.


*Liberty's Republic Army* and the *New York Federation Rangers* hold a strong rivalry against eachother. Each believing they have governing power over


the other.


The next faction are *The Inquisitors*, one of the largest raider groups on the East Coast.


They control all of *The Concrete Valley* , even the Super Mutants don't dare to cross paths with them.


They are at war with the *LRA* and the *NYF Rangers*.


The last faction is *Refugees Militia*. They are the smallest and last group to form after the Great War.


The members consist of citizens of the region. They have a profound hatred of *The Inquisitors*.


I would love for this idea to flourish into its full potential. I would love to get as many people as possible to help on this project. People who have adept skills with


the GECK or just people with creative minds. Please please please if you are interested in this project, please


email me at [email protected].



Thanks guys. Hope to get some replies.





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You seem to have double posted a topic 26 minutes apart.. How?

That odd. Its proabably because of the site maintenance. It keeps messing up my posts. Im sorry if it caused any problems.

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I removed the other two copies of this post. No foul, probably caused in part by latency due to the site maintenance.


Bben46, Moderator

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I'd be interested in providing voice acting, if you like. I've a radio show trying to get off the ground, WATR, which could have a division up north too should it succeed and should you want it.


But, for now, my own services are all I can offer for voice acting.

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I'd be interested in providing voice acting, if you like. I've a radio show trying to get off the ground, WATR, which could have a division up north too should it succeed and should you want it.


But, for now, my own services are all I can offer for voice acting.

Consider yourself a part of the team my friend. Just register here: http://www.projectnyf.webs.com So I know your onboard for the project. And if you need to contact me email me at [email protected]. also If you could send me a bit of your voice acting work it would be very much appreciated.


Looking forward to working with you.




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Signed up.


I don't have any actual voice acting work done as yet, since I just got a new job and will be busy doing that. However, I will have some time off this weekend more than likely, so I'll be doing the first part of my 'show' which I can send to you.

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Signed up.


I don't have any actual voice acting work done as yet, since I just got a new job and will be busy doing that. However, I will have some time off this weekend more than likely, so I'll be doing the first part of my 'show' which I can send to you.


Alright man I understand. I look forward to hearing it.




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