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Steampunk Oblivion - Recruiting


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I'll admit, Starcraft has taken a fair piece of my free time lately as well. Back to progress though, I'll see what I can put together over the weekend.


Also, I'm considering a few cutscenes for the mod (with luck, fully rendered rather than relying on the game's engine). Would anyone here be familiar with changing a video to the .bik format the engine uses? Being able to render then convert would completely free me from the limitations of the game engine, as well as make the story much more involving (something most Oblivion quests really lack). Still speculation, and it would take a lot of work, but we'd really be able to make an impact with all of this if it's possible.


Edit- I've researched a little more into the .bik format, aka Bink Video, and it looks very promising. Bink has an add on for Adobe Premiere that handles conversion, so I can convert from essentially any format and put the video into Oblivion. So, we should have the option of fully rendered cutscenes, as well as video taken from within the game (for example, a camera pan of Oldtown the first time your character enters to show it off a little, or possibly a short video of some of the harder puzzles as the player enters the room). Very promising.

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Huh, personally I've always been a fan of the half-life-style "don't ever take control away from the player, don't ever let the player leave the character's head" style of play, and I think it might feel incongruous with the rest of Oblivion (which almost never has cutscenes) to add them here. That's just my two cents, though, and if you wanna put it in the mod, go for it. :)
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You're right, Oblivion does do very well on a go-touch-things-on-your-own basis, which as you mentioned is why the game has almost no cutscenes in vanilla. Thinking about it, it probably would be better to leave the short entry cutscenes out of the mix. I would still like to consider one or two others though, at times the player isn't present, to help better tell the story. The two I'm thinking of are the fight leading to Cassandra's death, and the death of her parents before the storyline of the mod, which I think would help tell the story a little more personally. Then again, it would be a big investment of time, and quite a few other things take priority before I'd even be able to start on any such project. We'll see when we get a little further along I guess.
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Yeah, some of those scenes would be really cool - maybe viewed as a memory from someone's perspective, or something. I can get behind that. I hope I'm not shredding dreams or anything. >.< in any event, though, we should work on having something . . . tangible, I think, at first. It looks like my computer here isn't clever enough to play Oblivion fast enough to actually test anything I build presently, but it's enough to run the construction set so I'll fiddle with the buildings some more, add another couple of interiors, etc. do we want an inn for the modern Oldtown? Broken Spoke Tavern & Inn? Windmill Inn? Best Western? I'll let you know if I come up with some kind of clever name.
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uhh id definetly be interested in beta testing if u wanted another beta tester that is umm i would offer voice acting but i dont have a mic for my comp. if u wanted someone that could place things in the game using the CS via render window id be more than happy to donate my time... sadly i cant textur or shade (i dont have the rite programms or know how) but im willing to take the time to edit anything else in the CS (I.E. character face shape/tone, enchantments, spells.. ETC.) personal msg me if your interested in letting me work with you :)
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