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Steampunk Oblivion - Recruiting


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Glowing eyes would be a definite plus, since these will likely be found in the underground dungeon. Seeing nothing but the glowing eyes of what you know is a huge wolf in a dark corridor... excellent. Very well done though! You clearly know quite a lot about designing an impressive wolf :thumbsup:.


Nicely done on your Doctor Who outfit as well, I'm a bit of a fan myself.



Also, I've come across an interesting concept art of a monster that could possibly be developed if anyone is interested.


(The site is slightly NSFW, as a warning) The picture I'm looking at is the 6th in this little but amazing gallery.


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Truly, the sheer amount of talent at conceptart is unbelievable, I couldn't even guess how much time I've spent browsing it this year.


Since the dungeon will be pretty close to the coast as it is, flooded rooms would make plenty of sense if you wanted to make the monster an underwater creature. I agree, the marionette could be a really interesting project, good luck!


I feel bad with the amount of amazingness you guys are putting out, I haven't finished anything yet. I have two outfits in the works though, hopefully I can get them finished without taking too long.

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I am almost done with the squid monster thing.




What do you think? I was wondering how he was going to get around. He will work fine in the water. He will be rigged to the GateKeeper skeleton so Shivering Isles will be required.

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That looks brilliant! We'll definitely need a few water rooms to show off that beauty, I'm really very impressed right now. I've never dared try to use Zbrush for Oblivion models though, does that give you any trouble?


Shivering Isles will definitely be a requirement. We'd have to consciously avoid it otherwise, which would really be too much of a pain to be worth it.


With water rooms, I'm suddenly wondering if a buoyancy puzzle would be possible in Oblivion.

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I'm interested in helping you. Acctually I've wanted to start a minor steampunk project on my own last month but i got crippeled by the malfunction of my PC. I did draw some concepts tought.

The only problem with me is that I won't be able to model/texture untill the 20th July. If you will need help when i'm avalible I'd be more that prepared to join in. Good luck for now ;)


P.S: Corthian: that model looks amazing

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Welcome to the team then, Unavi- rest assured, there will still be plenty of work to be done on the 20th :whistling: More concept art is always awesome too, to help keep ideas flowing.


Any ideas on another site we'd be able to use that can host files, as well as keep what has and needs to be done effectively by the way?

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