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Why is Whiterun a mockery of itself?


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By the time the Dragonborn DLC came out I'm sure people would still have had many conspiracy theories before the book of answers would be read.

theories are eventually confirmed or proven wrong. Too the book would add for more realism to the game and the realm of apocrapha, why in the world

would Hermaus Mora not have the answers? And why would the DragonBorn not seek these answers after hearing about them?


Especially if you were to play a scholar gameplay, or mage. Mages often seek knowledge, this is something that would add more role play

and immersion. sometimes I've been tempted to add my own theories to the realm of Apocrapha by talking with others, gathering

information that a huge group can all agree on, and adding non-canon answers to the realm of Apocrapha xD

Edited by Kurzusseus
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I don't think you understood me so I'll repeat:


The charm of the Numinex story is the uncertainties. Speculating about it is fun and it opens up alternative stories people can believe and act on. Simply handing out a definite truth will tick off a lot of people that believed the other option or who prefer it to remain a mystery(like me).

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Oh yeah I understand that point of view. Some say that you are what makes the story of Numinex during the tale of Olaf's verse, you re-write it how you want it to be and therefore that's

how it happened. But this is not satisfying to me, I want facts, not theories.


I enjoy a good mystery, but I'd really like an answer to what happened to Numinex in FACT not theory.

so I see it as more a curse then fun or charm, kinda like Sheldon from the big bang theory says to penny when she said



"Not knowing is part of the fun."



"Not knowing is part of the fun, was that the motto of your community college?"


Not implying your stupid, or anyone else who enjoys this type of mystery. but I very much don't like this mystery

and wish I knew the facts.

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I wasn't trying to support my case of Apocrapha and the truths, I was supporting my beliefs on how I feel towards the Numinex mystery.

While others may enjoy the mystery, not knowing is not fun for me and I would like to know the actual truth vs theory with this tale.

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