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mods acting up


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hello it seems as tho any mod with hair will stop any other mod with hair so i was like i know i will have tes fuse them all still had missing content is there a way to make them all work together? some thing i might be missing?
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All hair/eye addons will conflict each other, for they're editing the same record: RACE. So, usually the last loaded one will get priority. Or, if things go wrong, none may work properly. To make them work, you will need to merge them into one cosmetic mod. You can make merged patch using Wrye Bash, or use TES4Gecko or TES4Edit to make merged plugin.

Of course, once you activate merged plugin instead of original, you will see 'Missing Content blah' when you load the plugin(and you may have crash at Race/Appearance changing screen). To avoid the problem:

- Make merged plugin, activate it instead of original plugins.

- Load your save. Ignore the warning message. If the save was loaded without crash, save your game immedietly, then exit.

- Run Wrye Bash, use 'Fix hair' to your latest save.

- Load 'fixed' save. Your character will have any one of vanilla hair and eyes.

- Open console mode, type 'showracemenu'.

- Change hair and eyes. If you want, tweak character face as well.

- If you closed console mode, open it again. Press Esc to call the menu(Do not close console mode), save your game(it is recommended to save your game in new slot).

- Exit the game, launch it again, load your save.

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