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Hey everyone, completely new here.


I recently got into using the Elder Scrolls Construction Set, and was having no problem learning the ins and outs of it until now.


I decided, this morning, that I wanted to make a new NPC for the CM Partners mod. Naturally, I knew what to do for the most part, but when I went to try out my new NPC ingame, the second I entered the cell, my game crashed.


I am using a race mod, and hair/eye mods, for my character. I'm fairly sure those are the problem, but I don't know what to do about it. My character is a Day Walker from Xenius Race Compilation, and uses one of Ren's hairstyles, not sure on the eyes.


Basically what I'm asking is, is it possible to use all of these mods to create a new one, and if so, how would I go about doing that?


Thanks in advance, I've been trying to figure it out for hours now.

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Follow the insructions included in CM partners,It describes exactly how to do what you are asking. The instructions are inside the Data folder of your game if you use the OMOD version.
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Follow the insructions included in CM partners,It describes exactly how to do what you are asking. The instructions are inside the Data folder of your game if you use the OMOD version.


And you need MS Word or OpenOffice Writer to read it.(Though I think there's MS Office Viewer somewhere)

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I had checked and rechecked the "Creating Custom Partners" document, and followed everything to the letter. I can get the character to register ingame but all that happens is I can see the floating bow she's supposed to have equipped, and then it crashes on me. Am I just missing something? Seems like it's unable to load the race, if anything.


Edit: Neeeeevermind, I'm using a really glitchy wordpad client and most of the text is out of place, and I just noticed a small paragraph that I hadn't previously seen. Going to try this out.


Edit2: Worked great, thanks for helping~

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I didn't know whether to start a new topic for this or to just continue from the same one, since this problem is sort of related. If I shouldn't have done so, I apologize in advance.


I occasionally get this error when trying to save my mod. I'm not sure what causes it, and that error message isn't particularly helpful. Anyone know what causes it? Getting sick of losing half an hour of progress because of this thing.


Clicking Retry and Ignore do the exact same thing; cause the message to popup again. Abort closes CS.


Thanks, again, in advance.


Another edit: Also, I was wondering how difficult it would be to prevent an NPC from not getting a crazy grin on their face everytime I talk to them. Basically disable their emotion scripts.

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I am not sure what that error message means.When I was editing companions to play with my custom race I crashed the CS on a regular basis, but I did end up with five identical companions???. I do know that pursing the lips of a companion in the CS will get rid of the grin,or at least make it less noticable. I have found that it is easier to make a companion mod on a game with less mods installed than on a game that requires Wrye Bash to even run at all. It is possible to use two separate versions of Oblivion on the same computer. Create your Companion on a stripped down version of Oblivion, then import the esp to the version you play.
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I found out how to manually edit an NPC to show no emotion during dialog options, but unfortunately it's very time consuming. I'm sure there's a faster way to do so, but this is what I have so far:


Open the NPC menu, click the AI button, and go to the Conversation tab, double-click on each entry, and set it so the "Lip" category to "N".


If there's a faster way, I'd like to know about it, and I still don't know what causes that Assert crash, which has happened twice since I last posted.

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My method for eliminating the width of the grin invlolves editing the mouth-drawn pursed slider in the face-advanced in the CS.Turning off thier emotion can make them "suddenly" attack you, if thier emotions are enabled you can usually defuse a situation with bribery or ressetting them before they act on thier negative disposition towards your acts and decisions.
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Okay, I'm working on that but I just realized something else that I need to fix. Sorry for all the questions!


I downloaded this mod, which obviously changes combat animations, both for myself and for other NPCs, but it doesn't work for the NPC I made? Why would that happen? I figured it would have changed the default animations rather than adding new ones.

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Some animations need to be selected in the CS for a partner to use them. CM partners have a different AI package than the player or normal npc's. I am not sure if this explanation is correct, it has been a while since I did make a custom CM partner and I do not know how the mod does change animations.
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