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I have MHM :tongue: . Don't you think that I don't read others post before posting myself. Not really a good idea to cast judgment before knowing all the facts :no:
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I think ghosts are real. There's always been activity that we can't really explain for ourselves. Besides, The Universe has had to come from somewhere (trying not to start a religious debate here), and I think that we go there when we're dead.

Don't start a debate about me believing in Heaven either, or else this will get closed.


And anyways, there's always things that will happen that we can't explain. What it may be, I don't know, but still, who knows? Maybe the first picture in the world to have an outline of another person who wasn't there when the picture was taken was false, sure, but hey, that kind of thing happens far too much for it to be a joke.


So why can't we believe it? There has got to be more to this world than we know! And Scientists can't prove everything. As far as a Scientist is concerned, if they can't prove it, it's not real.


Sure, ghosts are real. I think a ghost might have helped me from time-to-time. Why wouldn't they be real?


I agree with your statement that scientists can't prove everything because thats true, they can't. Can we prove that an afterlife exsists(Not turning to religious I'm just making a point.) certainly not, but it could exsist for all we know.


The point is, humans don't and never will learn everything, this is a fact, and whats also a fact is that if we can't prove ghosts aren't amoung us, it doesn't prove they aren't there.

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You know I once thought that I was followed by a ghost in our old home. Well it was around 1-2 am, I woke up but I decided to return to sleep when someone sat next to me and started stroking my hair. I flew off the covers to look for the person who was responsible (I thought that it was my siblings playing a sick joke on me) but everyone else was fast asleep. So I drank a glass of water and went back to sleep. Several weeks later, I woke up around the same time, and this time from a sound of a male voice. It was so clear it is as if he was talking to you straight to your face, I couldn't sleep for 2 hr after that.


What was the point of this story? Before this happened I was a skeptic but now I'm sort of a believer, there are ghosts but we don't have the scientific tools to prove it. Sometimes science can't prove these things, just because they can not be proven by science doesn't mean that it doesn't exist


Exellent point B.E, and a strange story. I've had many strange occurences at my house(Stuff falling without an explanation, voices from no one, noises, strange footsteps.) that cannot be easily solved. I am a strong believer in the species of the ghost, and I forever will.

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Why would they be real? When most people hear the word ghost, they either connect it with something you fear, or with something religious. As we don't debate about religious things here, I talk about the first option, fear. Maybe they just used ghosts to scare people, either in reality, or in movies. But Also, I never saw a real provement that there are real ghosts, only the typical stories like things falling on the ground or hearing voices, which I already explained, is mostly a product of Your own brain.


Thats not proof that ghosts don't exsist, you can't blame the brain. The brain is the most complex thing to ever live(Yes the brain is alive because its made of cells.) and it does not make mistakes so easily. I going to tell you now that yes I am a random, and very abnormal teenager, but I am certainaly not insane. These expierences that I cannot explain happen on a regular basis, far too many times to count and I KNOW that its not my brain playing tricks. Things in my house not close to the edge where they can fall, fall by themselves when nobody else is in the house but me. I hear the voices of people when I am alone CLEARLY like you would when someone is there. Now I don't know whats going on, but something very strange is occuring.

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If you believe in ghost you're gonna pee your pants after watching this movie



That first part scared the living hell out of me. :ermm:


This movie I can tell is a frightening one. :unsure:

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I think we overestimate our understanding of the world around us.



I think that there are natural occurances, such as radiologicals and elecromagnetics, that we have never documented or even discovered. UFOs and potentialy ghosts are two examples. glowing orbs of light are one of the most common non aircraft UFO types, and are seen with some regularity in scandinavia, but almost always only on cold, cloudless nights with almost no water in the atmosphere, they are common enough that they've been scanned from a distance, and give off a potent electromagnetic signal... like an aurora.


A "UFO" of the exact same discription and appearance flew over my own home a few weeks ago, making national news of a UFO scare all along the australian east coast. Again, frigid, perfectly clear night after a clear, extremely dry day. I doubt ghosts are anything diferent, we dont know what happens after death and I doubt living humans ever will. But I sincerely doubt that its heaven, hell, or an age haunting the earth.

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