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how do i make certain mods with the Constrution Set?


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i've always wanted to make my own items such as armor and weapons, but i've never found what i needed in the tutorials. i've wanted to learn how to add custom enchantments to the items and make it to where it automatically places them in my inventory or somewhere in town. i don't like challenges, they don't hold my attention. i like being overpowered, i like being the best of the best. how do i create overpowered items and have them show up in my inventory on start up? i've looked all through the Construction Set and have no idea how to do this. anyone have simple steps to follow as to make these items? or maybe point me in the direction of a good tutorial that explains what to do that i could easily follow? i've looked everywhere for a tutorial but haven't found what i need.
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Why not take apart and study an existing mod that does what you want? Sinblood's mods come to mind as ones that automatically add items to inventory. The part you'd be looking for should be under quests and/or scripts, so that should give you a place to start in looking for tutorials.
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You could do it by editing an existing weapon and/or set of armor. Say you wanted to overpower a Silver Claymore, you could find the Silver Claymore in the Object Window of the CS (the ID is WeapSilverClaymore) and right click it to reveal options like new, edit and delete. Click edit and it'll come up with a window that will show the ID, the name of the weapon (as it appears in-game), what type of sword it is (in this case, a two handed sword), the script (it doesn't have one), whether or not it's enchanting (Silver Claymore isn't enchanted but you could easily change this by selecting the enchantment you want from the drop down menu), the weight of the weapon, its value, health, speed, reach and (what you would want if you wanted it overpowered) the damage it does. There are also boxes that you can check like does it ignore normal weapon resistence and if it's a quest item or not.


Make sure to change the ID of the weapon you're editing though. You don't want to accidentally overwrite the original. If you click okay after you change the ID, it'll ask if you want to create the new form (aka: the ID you changed) and you can click yes. I tried to give it a new form just now and just typing Test as the ID gave me an error. But typing WeapTest did the trick. So if you get errors in the ID, just look at the original ID and follow its pattern.


Once you've altered an original weapon and saved it, you can bring up a map in the render window and just place in the map (pressing F will drop your item on the nearest surface like a table or the ground). There are tutorials on how to do that that can explain it better than I can.


I hope that wasn't too long-winded and confusing. It's pretty easy once you know your way around the CS. I'm not an expert on CS, but I do know a few things. You can message me if you have any more questions.

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; Quest script applied to new quest AAGodItems.

Short DoOnce

Begin Gamemode
    If DoOnce == 0
         Player.AddItem AAThunderOfGodSword 1
         Player.AddItem AAAegisOfDeitiesShield 1
         Player.AddItem AATheFullArmorOfGod 1
         Set DoOnce to 1
         Stopquest AAGodItems

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; Quest script applied to new quest AAGodItems.

Short DoOnce

Begin Gamemode
    If DoOnce == 0
         Player.AddItem AAThunderOfGodSword 1
         Player.AddItem AAAegisOfDeitiesShield 1
         Player.AddItem AATheFullArmorOfGod 1
         Set DoOnce to 1
         Stopquest AAGodItems


i'm not sure what i'm suppose to do with that or how to use it. what's it for? am i suppose to use it in the CS?

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This script would automatically add items to the player's inventory on start-up. But it is only one piece of the puzzle. The script requires that you have changed the stats of your overpowered gear and in this example named the pieces AAThunderOfGodSword, AAAegisOfDeitiesShield, and AATheFullArmorOfGod. It requires that you have created a new quest "AAGodItems" and placed the quest script on it. So that would be a fair bit of work to do in the CS.


It might be easier to just put the overpowered items in chest, or simpler yet, dump them on the ground someplace. Shaklee1 offers some good advice on how to make your overpowered items and insert them into the game world.

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An easier way to add items after modifying stats or making your own is to keep your item up in the list, then find the default character in the NPC list and drag-and-drop the item to the beginning inventory list (you'll know it's right if the "player" npc has wrist irons and the default cloths). Works for me.


If you want to use the script instead (there's another add item script that I've used), create a new enchantment and add "script effect" from the drop box. The bottom of the create enchantment window should enable, from there you'd apply the script and name/ID the enchantment. Find your weapon or item and add the enchantment to it and their you go. Again, worked for me (I've cleaned my game out a few times, so I'll have to find the script again).


For the one above, I'm pretty sure you just create a new quest and add this script to it and enable the quest. More simple than my method, I just like to do things in a complicated manner.


I'll try and screenshot the steps for you if you still need help.

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hm. i've tried a few things that i thought i might be able to do. so far nothing worked. then i tried to follow a few steps others have posted. and yet, the only thing i have been able to do was to edit other ppls mods. i've no idea how to use the script others post, nor do i know how to place items. i've looked back several times, looking at a few steps of what to do and how to do what i want, yet i have no luck. i guess i'm too much of a newb in CS to understand how things work right now. but i'm sure if i keep reading others posts and get the basic idea of how to place items and script them, i'd get the hang of it pretty quick. but right now, i have no idea how to do any of the stuff ppl post. i'm thinking the 'screnshot' solution might work.
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I have been playing for about a month, I immediately wanted to try my hand at modding. I'm not great by any means, so far only basic things. Scripting right now is out of my league. I'm going to give you a few links which might help get you going. I found them invaluable.


The first link is to the CS wiki : http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page This will give you a lot of the basic information, using tutorials with pictures and things like that.


A good starter mod is placing items within the game world. A basic walk through goes something like this.


1. open the CS


2. click on the yellow folder tab, then double click on Oblivion.esm then click ok. (this .esm is a library of all "vanilla" items, etc... in the game)


3. On the box labeled cell view, click on the drop down box use the down arrow you see. Scroll down till you see ICmarketdistrict. (This is just for the sake of an example, you could use any cell.) FYI a cell is a particular part of the gaming world.


4. Once you click on ICMD, you need to select a part of that cell to work with. In this case choose ICmarketdistrict01 which is at 7,17. Double click that and you should see it load into the render window.


5. Now to place an object in that cell and at the position you selected is as simple as finding it on the list in the object window. In our example expand the item list, then just click on weapons, don't expand it just click. This will give you a complete list of weapons.


6. For our example we will use the first weapon on the list, Apostle Dagger. Click on the dagger and drag it to the render window. Try getting it over the intersection of the streets. ( the more you are zoomed in here the better, if you are zoomed way out you will see that the dagger is up in the air. zoomed in further will put it closer to the ground making it easier to place.) To move the object around you can click and hold it down then move it around. also you can double click on it and you will see a pop up window, where you can use the X,Y,Z coordinates to move it. What I want you to do is use the Z option and click the down arrow till it is resting on the ground.


You can click an item and hold shift move your mouse around to alter the view (this can only be done when not in the reference window)


7. Once you have it placed, click on the disc icon next to the yellow folder. By default it will save to the data folder, what you are doing here is creating an .esp file Name it DaggerTest.esp


8. Now you can minimize the CS, and click on your oblivion launcher, go to data files and activate the .esp


9. Load up your game, fast travel to IC Market and go to the intersection to find your Dagger. After writing this and going into the game to make sure that it was there I noticed how small the thing was lol. It might be tough to see sitting on the ground. But it will be there if you followed the steps.


This is just a very basic "mod" but one designed to show you the steps involved. I hope it helps you some. To find more specific tutorials try browsing through the CS wiki, there is a house tutorial and several other ones in there.


Again I hope it helped even if just a little :)



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I found this, which essentially the video form of what I told you that you could do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LugyT9KQQ4k It wasn't what I was looking for, since I recall coming across a tutorial that explains what you want but just can't find it anymore. But the video explains it just as well, I think. It even shows you how to place your items in-game.
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