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Mod Conflict - Deadly Reflex & Nothump


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Here's my problem.


I want to download Deadly Reflex. I've spent an hour poking around at this and still have a variety of issues that make it impossible to work Deadly Reflex, and they are as follows.


According to OBMM on non admin mode, this is my load order;;






Whispered Warning.esp





DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp

DeadlyReflex 5 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp


Woodland Rangers.esp

Kikai - PlayableDremora12.esp




1) When I have Deadly Reflex combat moves, HorseCombatMaster, and Timed Block selected along with all my other mods and I try to load up a game, I immediately get a CTD, no matter which file I attempt to load.


2) I downloaded OBMM in an attempt to organize the files. Here I encountered 2 problems - first, it wouldn't let me run on admin mode and I have NO idea how to make it let me and second, there was a major conflict with DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp and cidnothump.esp.


The error it gave me was as follows;

EDID 'SEFF' of record type MGEF conflicts with 1 other plugin.

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp (Record type: MGEF) (Unparented) (Inactive)


I think I might be able to fix this if someone could tell me how to make OBMM let me run as admin, as I can't change the load order at present or don't know how.





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Thanks slygothmog and bben46, I figured out how to do it and set it to admin mode, put Oblivion.esm to the top and set my load order.


It continued not to work, I disabled some Vista user control panel and now it works like a charm, although it has issues when I do Deadly Reflex animation on someone wearing Mythic Dawn armor, makes one of the gray texture missing signs show up.


I'll just ignore that. ;3


Thanks again.



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