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Crash on using Intercoms?


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For whatver reason... Whenever I try to use an intercom, the game freezes either midway through the intercom's dialogues or immediately thereafter.



[ ] MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities less NPCs.esp

[ ] MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities.esp

[X] WeaponModKits.esp

[X] AmbrosiaBells.esp

[X] EVE.esp

[ ] Vault 34.esp

[X] S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mutants[addon for MMM].esp

[ ] Xviera's Equipment Stash.esp

[X] Wasteland Whisperer.esp

[X] Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp

[X] Armored Robes.esp

[X] Barskog's Goodies.esp

[X] RobCo Certified.esp

[X] PreWar Book Titles and Perks.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Reduced Wasteland Spawns.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

[X] bltc.esp

[X] FalloutFood.esp

[X] BLTC Immersion Patch.esp

[X] BLTC No Visual Effects.esp

[X] BLTC Less Addictions.esp

[X] BLTC No Overdosing.esp

[X] OutFits.esp

[X] ExtremelyFortifiedCamp.esp

[ ] FNNCQ.esm

[ ] FNNCQ Slaver Rifle.esp

[X] The town of girdershade.esp

[ ] blanket.esp

[X] Hard Disk Drives.esp

[ ] Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 (no interiors).esp

[ ] Level 1 Smallest More Color.esp

[X] Level 2 Some More Color.esp

[ ] Level 3 Alot More Color.esp

[ ] Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 1 Color.esp

[ ] Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 2 Color.esp

[ ] Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 Level 3.esp

[ ] BetterHeadshots.esp

[X] Ammo_Schematics.esp

[X] A Little Mutant Problem.esp

[X] Darkness.esp

[X] TunnelOutpost.esp

[X] OasisSafeWater.esp

[ ] EnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esm

[ ] EnclaveCommander-OA-Steel.esm

[ ] EnclaveCommander-Steel.esm

[ ] Zombie Apocalypse - Point Lookout.esp

[ ] Zombie Apocalypse.esp

[ ] WasteLand HOuse.esp

[X] CreaturePoses.esp

[X] ActionPoses.esp

[ ] FOOK2 - Mothership Zeta.esp

[ ] FOOK2 - [EVE] Energy Visuals Enhanced.esp

[ ] FOOK2 - [*censored*] World And Neighbourhood Kit.esm

[ ] MyFOOK2 - Black & White Tranquility Lane.esp

[ ] MyFOOK2 - No Rape Victims.esp

[ ] EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp

[ ] EVE - FWE Master Release.esp

[ ] EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp

[ ] EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - FWE Optional Worn Weapons.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp

[ ] WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2 - DIK.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2.esp

[ ] FOOK2 - Main.ESM

[ ] FOOK2 - Main.esp

[ ] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM

[ ] FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp

[ ] FOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].esp

[ ] FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp

[X] AQFH_C_103.esp

[ ] ArcherSummit.esp

[X] 20thCWItemPlacement2.esp

[X] MegatonContracts.esp

[X] MS11fix.esp

[X] Malos_Arena_DV.esm

[X] Malos_Arena_EV.esm

[X] TheProjectV1.1.esp

[X] Mole Rat Maze.esp

[X] AddEmptyNukaBottle.esp

[X] Trouble.esp

[ ] TroubleCheat.esp

[X] Sprint Mod.esp

[X] Stealth Kills Enabled - Pitt Compatibility.esp

[X] Stealth Kills Enabled.esp

[X] HackingMessage.esp

[X] Point lookout new uniques.esp

[X] RZW_Misc.esm

[X] RZW_Dynamite.esp

[X] 3EFarsenal.esp

[X] RadioTenpenny.esp

[X] IPip.esp

[X] VariedDeathclaws.esp

[X] AyleidSwords.esp

[X] Nice Catch 3000.esp

[X] DoubleDeathClawGauntlets.esp

[X] ACE2-0.esp

[ ] Triage.esp

[X] ZL-PithHelmet.esp

[X] Point Lookout Shack.esp

[X] AssassinHideout.esp

[X] Carter_Fallout_Shelter.esp

[X] Moriarity's customer.esp

[X] BoS Diversification.esp

[X] BoS Diversification - Broken Steel.esp

[X] NoTheftComments.esp

[X] Team Fallout.esp

[X] Anchorage - Extra Holotapes.esp

[X] BoSPatrols.esp

[X] FusionGeneratorStation.esp

[X] Sword.esp

[X] GOATanswerCHANGES.esp

[X] 223RepeaterRifle.esp

[X] ZL-ACR.esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp

[ ] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp

[X] 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp

[X] 20th Century Weapons.esm

[X] CALIBR.esm

[X] PIPBoyCleanV1.1.esp

[X] ClassicCombarArmor.esp

[X] DeepEyes.esp

[X] Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp

[X] DragonskinBonusPack.esp

[X] Paradox_Armor.esp

[X] Targeter.esp

[X] TheAmericanPimpSuite.esp

[X] Devoured in Darkness.esp

[X] NPCs Sleep Tighter.esp

[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

[X] MentatsMod.esp

[X] DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp

[X] A Trail of Crumbs.esp

[X] backstabber.esp

[X] mazas_campfire.esp

[X] Dialogue Tweaks.esp

[X] ColeensTent.esp

[X] Sharing and Caring Companions.esm

[X] SCC Armor.esp

[X] SCC - Talk to Anyone.esp

[X] SCC Bunchapeople.esp

[X] ImmersiveTimescale.esp

[X] VisionMod-Tom.esp

[ ] CRAFT.esm

[ ] CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp

[X] Existence2.0.esp

[X] Remove That Glove.esp

[X] SuddenDepthCharge.esp

[ ] Attentater's Wasteland Economy.esp

[X] CrowdedCities_v2.esp

[X] CrowdedCities_v2_lessNPCs.esp


Above is how I load everything in Fallout Mod Manager. I haven't had any conflicts based on what I'm running, and YES I am running FOSE correctly. Yes I DO have archive invalidation invalidated, and YES it's true, I have no other issues. Any ideas?

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there's a newer version of robco out


you are loading esm's with esp's so its not been ordered by any source yet including the ordering system available in FOMM


Yeah. I just re-ordered everything. And thanks for giving me the info on Robco :thumbsup:

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