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Daedic Items knew file


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I started a knew file and i chose redgaurd warrior the warrior and have a full suit of steel armor though i need better armor so does anyone know wher to get either the daedric cuirass or another item that is unique or something nthat is the upgrade of the steel suit thanx i would most appreciate this
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Probably already covered somewhere, but here goes. Dwemner is better than steel and there are bits kicking around all over the place. various unique bits, but suggest searching for Ebony Mail, Dragonbone Curiass and Curiass of Saviours hide. Also sets of bonemold is good (med) as is glass (stuff aviable from the Ghostgate trader as is Ebony). If you have Trib Dark brotherhood not bad for light armour.


Daedric rare and hard to find, but bits in various places acroos the map. Curiass is a Telvanni quest.


Hope not too many spoliers in here

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Starting out I would go with Dark Brotherhood armor, they attack you early on, they aren't too hard to take down and their armor will last a long time until something better comes along.


For heavy armor goto the Daedric shrine right next to Ald Velothi, there's a guy in there wearing a full set (minus helm) of ebony armor.

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