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help me plz, replacing sounds of attack.


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Hello ... I really wanted to help.
look at my problem:
I have the sounds; "Link" (Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time) sounds when he attacks, or takes any hit from any enemy. I took this modification, the Nexu, this mod is fallouttt. "Files, compared with the original, has almost the same name. These files, fallouttt, voice connection (when to attack, etc.) were fortamo OGG (I converted them to mp3) ... I use the class" Elven Youth "(so it looks more like the link) and the folder" data / sound / voice / oblivion.esm / Elven Youth / m / "has the files, the sounds of attack or taking a hit. originals files" Elven Youth "has almost the same name, same size, same length and seconds (all with a second maximum), these files fallouttt sounds, the voice of the" Link ".
Replace them, in place of the original, and can not hear sound ?? Oo ... Why? (Windows Media Player, hear them normal)
more details:
In folders; "/ M / Youth / Oblivion.esm / Elven data / sound / voice" are in MP3 format, "falloutgame" mod (with the voices of the link) are OGG format .. So I converted files "fallouttt" (voice link ) (OGG) to mp3, and so early ... replace (rename the names) according to the original names.
OK, fine. However, when I enter the game, none of these sounds are heard !!!!!!!!!!!! And if I colcoar the original sounds, (substitundo) ai back to normal, he screams again, to attack!
In short: I converted in OGG falouttt, (sounds of attacks, and when he takes a hit), put them in the same location as the original, from my race, but they are heard, makes no noise when it strikes, no sound . With the original sounds, putting them in their place, oh yes, I dare all normal.
What should I do? The some process before, I do not know? The files are almost the same size, nearly 1 second or less, are in mp3 format as the original. Wanted to hear him attacking the way the link = / can anyone help me?
Down or put the files of the link, and the Elven Youth. If in case it helps, to help me = p vera ... So I did everything right (at least I think I did everything right), but even replacing the original, still does not work, I hear nothing, these new files.
Sorry, my English and a bit bad, I tried the max ....


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