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Legacy of the Daedra


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Addressing Alenee

As you push and shove your way through the crowd you look up and finally see the sign that marks where the inn is, only now it appears to be on fire. Smoke belows from the top as several people throw buckets of water on the blaze while others bat the flames with blankets and quilts.


Several of the Imperial guards come rushing up and try to help the people battling the fire.


"Find that damned traitor and bring us his head!" Yells out the captain to a now assembled troop of 6 guards which scatter with their swords drawn.


As you look up to the Hlaalu Manor you see the Hlaalu Guards have been recalled and have set up a perimeter around the compound. Several guards are perched on the roof with arrows resting on the bows.


Addressing Avelyn

Without too much trouble you find the library. Nothing seems to have left this place though you have found it rather hard to navigate given the absence of light present. Unless you have a torch you can't see any of the titles of the books.


Elsewhere there are several chests, desks and cabinets containing common clothes and writing apparatus. Of note, you find a rather marvelous looking gemmed amulet and several scrolls with Daedric enscribed on them. Everthing else you determine to be of no particular value.


Addressing Shadow

As you clumsily try to use the potion you soon realize that you have no real previous training on how to effectively use prepared potions. Trying to use it and the spell you finally get the intsense joy of seeing a puff of smoke in front of you as the spell resolves; only to be dissappointed in seeing a puddle of green goo in front of you...with a rather rancid smell too.


Umbra, seemingly not amused by this at all still charges at you now screaming, "You little maggot you've interrupted my food gathering...tonight I'm going to feast on your flesh."


Drawing close he raises the sword over his head and starts to bring it down on top of you.


Addressing Town Members

Upon reaching town you can tell that utter chaos is ensaring the populace. By the dozens people flee with what possessions they can hold in two hands. In the distance you can clearly tell that a fire has erupted in one part of the city. Imperial Guards struggle to calm the terrorized populace down and restore order; all attempts are failing.


Oddly you don't see any Hlaalu Guards anwhere.


With a flash and a crack lightning fills the drearily purple sky.

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"Oh well, not like any of it was worth much anyway," Alenee thinks as she watches the fire consume the inn. Her habit of carrying her most important possesions with her at all times had once again paid off. The likely loss of a few books and some food were no more than a minor annoyance, and her weapons and armor were all safely out of the fire.

The words "Find that damned traitor and bring us his head!" draw her attention. She pushes a few people out of the way, and runs over to the guard. "Traitor? What's going on here?" she asks.

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Addressing Avelyn

Though dissappointed you aren't at all suprised to find that there are no shops open right now. They're all barred shut for obvious reasons (a little thing called unsuing chaos).


Addressing Alenee

"Something about one of Andrano's men being a spy for a Daedric cult or something like that," replies one of the guards whose head is turned at a struggle between two people, "excuse me..." he runs over and breaks up the fight.

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"Goddamit. Goddamit. Goddamit!!!" Avelyn shrieked under his breath at the lack of open stores.


He ran over to one, preferably away from the mass of guards around the burning inn, and breaks open the window with some stones.


He climbs in, and searches for some torches and flint.

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Shadow dodges out of the way and draws his sword he then rushes at Umbra aiming for his shin. Instead of going for the shin he twists around and places the blade of his sword in the gap between the helm and the curiass. "Its a stalemate you move and i kill you I move and you kill me"


OOC: What potion was i yousing i never mentioned a potion did i.?

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"Well he wasn't too useful," Alenee thinks, cursing the guard. Giving up on getting anything more in this part of town, she begins searching the crowd for her previous companions or anyone who seems to have both authority and a chance to talk.
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OOC: Fine your 'ingredients' made the giant goo pile, happy?


Addressing Shadow

"I don't think so runt," Umbra flares his nostrils.


**Dropping his chin down to the edge of his helmet he pinches your blade between his helmet and cuirass**


Locking so tight you can't move the blade a thick thud fills the air, clearly the sound of metal hitting the ground. Having let his sword slip from his fingers you face is greeted with a striking uppercut that rattles you brain, sending you to the ground.


Dazed and unoriented you have a hard time grasping the situation.


"Fool enough to take me on weakling. Now death will greet you."


Addressing Avelyn

"Hey someone is looting the store!!" you hear yelled from outside.


Another voice answers, "All right, let me take care of it."


You see the shadow of an Imperial Guard step through the window you broke.


"No sense in trying to hide, just give yourself up and the punishment will be light."


Addressing Alenee

While searching the crowrds you hear the loud sound of glass breaking on a nearby street.


Almost immediately afterwards you see an Imperial Guard walk over in that direction to investigate.

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<ooc: uh... "Dazed and unoriented you have a hard time grasping the situation", would seem to prevent you from doing some impressive attack. And I think that you're a bit over the line on controling npcs. Remember, thanateros is supposed to be resolving hits and stuff, not you>


Growing more and more annoyed at her lack of success with each passing minuite, Alenee wanders the city. The sound of breaking glass and a running guard catch her attention over the general chaos. With an attitude of "well, what have I got to lose" she runs after the guard.

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