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Legacy of the Daedra


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Addressing Shadow

As you reach down to rip off Umbra's helm he, without any effort at all, wraps his entire hand around your neck and squeezes you like a rubber ducky.


"I'm tired of you whelp."


Picking up his sword in one hand while still holding you in the other he tosses you up like a tennis ball being served.


Leaving no time for you to react he cleaves you in half as you leave his grip, spilling your insides across the landscape.


"Pathetic," is the last word you hear as your existence fades into nothing.



Addressing Alenee

After following the guard for several moments he clambers in through a broken window of a nearby trade shop.


Several people outside have stopped and focused their attention on the situation.

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"Goddamit. Wouldn't a purple sky attract peoples attention elsewhere???" avelyn whispers under his breath, now hiding behind the store counter.


Avelyn --tries-- to sneak out of his position and away from the guard, as far as he can get from the guard without leaving the store.

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OOC: That is yet to be determined, I'll PM you with more details.


Addressing Brock

The utterly terrified commoner tries to pull himself away from you but in doing so looses his balance and falls on the ground, spilling his possessions all over the street.


"Luuk waht u mud mi du, Bffoon!!"


He scrambles to get up but doesn't realize you're still holding on to him. "U tink weeze stay ear. Luuk up, teh Godz r anngri fur sum reazon," his terrified look amplifies as he sees several people starting to loot his stuff.


"HEY!!!" he cries out, still trying to get away, "Tis iz aull ure faoult." He starts to sob uncontrollably.


Addressing Avelyn

As quiet as a mouse you lay still as the Guard strolls through the store checking every nook and cranny. Though he comes over to where you were hiding you act quickly and sneak your way to another hiding place, one the gaurd previously checked.


The guard walks over to the window and looks at the several people gathered.


"Guess this one got away, I'm not going to invest too much time...there are more pressing matters at hand."


With that he clambers through the window. Just as he swings his right leg over it catches on a table corner and he falls, face first, into the street. You hear the sound of gasping and a hint of laughter.


Addressing Alenee

After standing outside for a minute you see the guard's shadow return from withing the store. After saying a few words to the now gathered crowd he tries to climb out the window, only to fall on his face.


He sqeaks out a sound of pain and lifts his head; his face is badly cut up by the pieces of glass from the broken window. Rolling over on his back he struggles to move any part of his body, as if life was about to leave this poor soul.


"Somebody help that poor man," cries a woman, whos mouth is covered with her hand in shock.


Another cries out, "Where the hell are the Hlaalu Knights? This city is in utter chaos."


Sharply, you turn your head to see a gathered crowd of people walking down the street heading towards the manor. They chant, "The end is here, all will be lost and THEY STRIVE TO DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!"

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Addressing Avelyn

Without too much trouble you find several torches and one piece of flint. Making your way to the back of the store you find a door that leads out into a side ally, far from wandering eyes. Your mind settles now that you are in no danger of getting caught.


From the street you hear yelling from a group of people that seem to be advancing in the direction of the Hlaalu Manor.


Also you hear from a shrill woman who seems to be terrified, "SOMEONE HELP THIS POOR MAN BEFORE HE DIES!!!"


The world seems to feed off of chaos and disorder.

OOC: Doh

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Seeing the apparent lack of a more experienced healer, Alenee pushes her way over to the dying man. Ignoring the cuts as too minor to be fatal, she searches desperately for another injury.


<ooc: I assume that last one was meant for Avelyn, not Alenee?>

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Avelyn sprints off towards the temple, hoping everyone is too busy to notice him. Once he reaches the doors, he enters, closes the door, lights a torch on fire, and heads back towards the library.


OOC:Wow, Peregine. Nice to see you break into a shop and look for torches too. :P ;)

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Addressing Alenee

As you look over his wounds there do not appear to be any other than those on his face. He probably fainted or is in shock, you aren't sure but from the looks of it he's out cold. After you inspect him more, you can tell he's passed out because of shock; his skin is extremely cold and his body starts to convulse.


The marching mob moves ever close to where you are...you start to get the sense they'll trample over you if you don't move out of the way.


Now shrieking at the crowd, the woman begs them to stop; a stone from the mob flys out of the middle of the column and hits her on the head. Blood trickles down her face as she gets knocked unconscious and falls with an elegant thud.


Addressing Avelyn

Now that you finally weaved your way back to the temple you open the door and amazingly find the whole of it well lit as you would expect. Passed out on the floor are what looks like several priests.


One sits up and while rubbing his head as if bearing the scars of a bad night's sleep addresses you, "Wha...What happened? Wher....Did.....You....Come.....From....? Meph...." he then slumps over and hits the floor.


(assuming you continue on) Back in the library nobody is around... though along the way you have counted seven unconscious priests.

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