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Obliviononline 0.4.5 HELP!!


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Okey Dokey,


I am running the Obliviononline 0.4.5 mod. I have installed everything correctly (including OBSE, which is required). I have changed the ip to play on a different sever. When I start up and go to the First Edition shop and talk to the guy who connects you, it works just fine. I says I am connected but it just doesn't seem like it...

I go outside and there is nobody. It just doesn't feel like I'm online. I have TONS of mods... dungeons, quests, race packs... blah blah blah.

Maybe this is the problem? Let me tell you EXACTLY how I start up the mod...


1. I go to my oblivion folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion) and run the obse_loader.exe (I have the steam version so idk if that's the problem, but it's the same thing as the reqular obse loader).




2. The oblivion launcher shows up and the obliviononline esp is checked off.


3. I load my save and go to The First Edition.


4. I talk to the guy and connect. But there is nobody and it's exactly like playing offline!


(Is that normal)?


So I have a few questions... actually I have a lot :\


What types of mods are NOT compatable with obliviononline 0.4.5?

If I uncheck these mods, will I loose my save data, or will they load just how they were when I unchecked them when I check them off again?

I am a chocolate elf, will I loose my character if I uncheck that mod?

Should my mods be working when I'm online?




How do I chat online?

How do I see messages from other people online?

Is there a command for finding other players?

What does another player look like online?

Is there a place people normally go to hang out?

Does the default sever work?



1 41805




Ok thanks :)

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How to start Oblivion Online

Getting the Client running.

1. Make sure your Oblivion installation have the latest patch (v1.2.0416)

2. Download Oblivion Script Extender3 v0012 (or higher) from

http://obse.silverlock.org/ and install it (follow the readme)

3. Download the latest client from http://sourceforge.net/projects/oo-open

4. Extract “OblivionOnline-0.4.2-client.zip” to a temporary folder

5. Copy OblivionOnline.dll to (Oblivion Installation Folder)/data/obse/plugins/

6. Copy OblivionOnline.esp and OOArenaMod.esp to (Oblivion Installation


7. Copy realmlist.wth to your main Oblivion folder.

8. Run the OblivionLauncher or OBMM and make sure that OOArenaMod.esp and

OblivionOnline.esp are checked.

9. Go to http://ooserver.freehostia.com/list.php and create your own realmlist.wth

from the servers listed there.

10. Start obse_loader.exe to start Oblivion.

11. Go to The First Edition in The Imperial City.

12. Talk to a NPC called ”Traveler of common lands”.

13. Enjoy your stay in the digital world. 

you didn't mention steps 7 or 9
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How to start Oblivion Online

Getting the Client running.

1. Make sure your Oblivion installation have the latest patch (v1.2.0416)

2. Download Oblivion Script Extender3 v0012 (or higher) from

http://obse.silverlock.org/ and install it (follow the readme)

3. Download the latest client from http://sourceforge.net/projects/oo-open

4. Extract “OblivionOnline-0.4.2-client.zip” to a temporary folder

5. Copy OblivionOnline.dll to (Oblivion Installation Folder)/data/obse/plugins/

6. Copy OblivionOnline.esp and OOArenaMod.esp to (Oblivion Installation


7. Copy realmlist.wth to your main Oblivion folder.

8. Run the OblivionLauncher or OBMM and make sure that OOArenaMod.esp and

OblivionOnline.esp are checked.

9. Go to http://ooserver.freehostia.com/list.php and create your own realmlist.wth

from the servers listed there.

10. Start obse_loader.exe to start Oblivion.

11. Go to The First Edition in The Imperial City.

12. Talk to a NPC called ”Traveler of common lands”.

13. Enjoy your stay in the digital world. 

you didn't mention steps 7 or 9

It says extract OblivionOnline-0.4.2-client.zip so I do with the OblivionOnline-0.4.5-client.zip but then I get a bunch of NTUSER files not OblivionOnline.dll or OblivionOnline.esp or OOArenaMod.esp. Are these found in the "2008_08_28_OblivionOnline_045.rar" file or the "OblivionOnline-0-4-5-server.zip"?

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