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Issues with Downloading some Bornagain Files, included


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Hey, I'm trying to download some files which are giving me error messages for their downloading. In each case the files make three attempts, all through CDN Fileserver prior to erroring out. I have been unable to download Bornagain fo3 t45d power armor by CABAL; Bornagain Outcast T-45d Power Armor by Cabal120 uploaded by EmeraldReign; Bornagain FO3 T51b by CaBaL; as well as the base Bornagain Combat Armor by EmeraldReign and Cabal120 4096, and the Anchorage version. The files in particular are:


Admittedly, the Winterized T51b Fix for Bornagains T51b Retexture is not itself by Bornagain, so yeah, but the rest are.


Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/120/1000004696/Winterized T51b Fix for BornAgains T51b Retexture-20042-1-0.zip?ttl=1412294490&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=646b4f730126a9741412602207bcf3c3


Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/120/85666/BornagainCombatArmor4096EnvironmentMaps-18220-1-01.rar?ttl=1412294594&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=a4736719aa0ff2137dde553fb2baee9a


Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/120/85687/BornagainGhoulCombatArmor4096-18220-1-02.rar?ttl=1412294776&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=fac0c11915291bb6833337bf8be9adb9


Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/120/85680/BornagainZetaCombatArmor4096-18220-1-02.rar?ttl=1412294912&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=3689a63497b209d9f6a13271f4a35c48


Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/120/85667/BornagainCombatArmor4096RangerHelmetPatch-18220-1-01.rar?ttl=1412295033&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=c903860c3bb8fa35033cf3ec99c268fe


I tried a restart of my computer after doing a little clean up of this or that. Have not tried signing out, restarting browser, and signing back in as I would imagine by what I'm seeing this seems to be specific files or servers in issue (not a tech type I'm afraid, or at least a tech type that actually has a background :smile: )


Any advice, or suggestions?

Edited by FearlessFelix
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Yeah, typo, will fix :). Okay, I tried downloading manually previously and it gave me an error. As a just in case I'll sign out, restart the browser, sign back in, and than try the manual option first.

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Tried again, this time for a manual download and no luck. Attempted update of Mozilla Firefox, it's up to date. Doesn't appear to be a firewall issue as I attempted a download again of the main file on the Combat Armor page as manual and it again gave no issues with downloading. I'm going to try again with anti-virus etc. disabled for the brief period of the download but this is looking weird.

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Well, still no luck. Where it matters, on an attempted manual download the little advisory wind pops up in regards http redirects and keeping java up to date (both good I believe) and after that, nothing.


I'm gonna run a quick malware & anti-virus scan (this from android), come back, and go through my extended list of mods to see if there are any others that give me issues. Currently downloaded the three NMC texture packs from Performance to Maximum, all the other BornAgain texturea as mentioned, Millenias full retexture project for FO3, and a few others.


Because I just don't know and you are something of a fixture here, are your downloads going through the premium servers M48A5? And, if this persists for more than today, is it possible to enlist further troubleshooting support or advice from yourself, whoever? I've never had this problem before and won't be able to go premium till Sunday, and than only for a month or three till next term rolls around.

Edited by FearlessFelix
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As shown under my avatar, I am only a member and cannot use the premium servers.


I have never had the problem you are having, so I don't think I would be much help.


I usually use Chrome since IE started to give me problems when posting.


I have read somewhere that you can choose your download server. I don't remember where though.

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On choosing your server, you might have been able to once, but it seems to automatically default right now, and regardless I'm not even able to get to the point where that option typically arose (no dl starting with manual for some (the listed) files.


Is this something to trouble the staff with, or maybe give it a week? Again, I just do not know as I'm clueless. PS, thanks for the help.

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You should actually be posting in the Feedback, suggestions and questions. I am starting to see other posts of people having the same problem with older files. So it seems you are not alone. You should keep an eye on the Feedback section for a possible solution.

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