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Quest scripting

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OK, that fixed one problem... I actually had a typo in my previous post, but now when i try to put



set ACPlayerteletoa to 1


It gives me an error saying unknown variable or function 'ACPlayerteletoa'


so i tried


set ACPlayerteletoArena.ACPlayerteletoa to 1


same thing

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Ok, It looks like you are telling it the wrong thing, I dont know what name you have given your quest, but lets say for example it's called - aaaTeleport - you would use this instead of the name of the script itself, so it should look more like this.


set aaaTeleport.ACPlayerteletoa to 1


but you would only use this in a script outside the one attached to your quest, as long as you have given your ( quest ) script the short variable ACPlayerteletoa, it should recognise this...can you post the entire script exactly as you tried it in the CS?

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My script outside of the quest word for word is:



scriptname ACPlayerteletoarena

;Quest script applied to quest ACArenaChallengeQuest

short acplayerteletoa

short DoOnce

begin gamemode

if ACplayerteletoa == 1&& DoOnce == 0

player.moveto ACTargetRatmid

set DoOnce to 1

setstage ACArenaChallengeQuest 10



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OK, I think I have it now ( should have got it earlier, but that's what you get for being overtired ). If you need to set the short variable acplayerteletoa to the value 1 elsewhere, then type it like this.


set ACArenaChallengeQuest.acplayerteletoa to 1

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and where do i type that? in the result script or in the script outside the quest script? it seems to me to be kinda pointless to put it in the script outside of the quest script, and i tried it in the result script, but it wouldn't compile when i put

set ACArenaChallengeQuest.acplayerteletoa to 1

so i tried:

set acplayerteletoa to 1

but that wouldn't compile because it said unknown variable but then i tried (look below) and that compiled:

short acplayerteletoa before set acplayerteletoa to 1

so i tested it ingame, and it didn't work...

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