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Slaaneshi Gaurd Cuirass



11 members have voted

  1. 1. What request should I make in the future?

    • More Warhammer Fantasy Ideas!
    • More 40k stuff!
    • Something else!
    • None (Just shut up, Kieran)

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Would you please try to do some of these ideas by yourself ?

Nobody would help you, if you make every few days an request for your ideas without any concept for an Game that is totaly dead. No talented modeller would make themself a lot of work for an game that is four years old.

So what do you want?


I try to finde People that would work on an Warhammer Addon for a long time, but there is nobody. Oblivion is dead. Totaly dead for these things.


You sould write less of these ideas-Topics and sould read some Tutorials how you make these stuff by yourself.


EDIT by LHammonds: Consider this an informal warning. Postings such as these are titled "trolling" and are against the rules. They are also the kind of posts we enjoy banning people over. Oblivion is far from "dead" and apparently, everyone but you knows this.

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Would you please try to do some of these ideas by yourself ?

Nobody would help you, if you make every few days an request for your ideas without any concept for an Game that is totaly dead. No talented modeller would make themself a lot of work for an game that is four years old.

So what do you want?


I try to finde People that would work on an Warhammer Addon for a long time, but there is nobody. Oblivion is dead. Totaly dead for these things.


You sould write less of these ideas-Topics and sould read some Tutorials how you make these stuff by yourself.

Well that was very RUDE i have to say that Oblivion is absolutely not dead it is still thriving! mods are mad everyday for it! and maybe Keiranfoy doesnt ahve to\ime to amke his own mods so he decides to request what he and alot of others would like to have. So next time how about letting his requests go through? kool thx. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, it was rude but you never get things done with writing these nerved "I wish me from Santa" Topics.


You must do it by yourself. There is no pixy that would do it for you.


EDIT by LHammonds: It is not your place to authorize what requests are made. It is true that the OP has made MANY requests but there are many modders out there that enjoy looking through such requests to find something they would like to work on and at the same time, help somebody out.

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Would you please try to do some of these ideas by yourself ?

Nobody would help you, if you make every few days an request for your ideas without any concept for an Game that is totaly dead. No talented modeller would make themself a lot of work for an game that is four years old.

So what do you want?


I try to finde People that would work on an Warhammer Addon for a long time, but there is nobody. Oblivion is dead. Totaly dead for these things.


You sould write less of these ideas-Topics and sould read some Tutorials how you make these stuff by yourself.

Well that was very RUDE i have to say that Oblivion is absolutely not dead it is still thriving! mods are mad everyday for it! and maybe Keiranfoy doesnt ahve to\ime to amke his own mods so he decides to request what he and alot of others would like to have. So next time how about letting his requests go through? kool thx. :thumbsup:



Couldn't have said it better Trivek! :thumbsup:


Raubritter this site has been going strong for ten years. In the past year I have downloaded 217 mods from the files section. Many new mods that were just posted that day. Oblivion is very alive and going strong. That's what's so great about it. The talent among modders here is simply amazing! There are new and awesome mods being posted daily still.


Kieran can make requests, because there is a section here on the forums that is especially for requesting mods one can't find, or make for themselves. It's how a synergistic community works. And this is a very good one :yes:


So keep requesting Kieran! My vote, is "other stuff." I once saw an idea to make an Oblivion zoo. I'd still like to see that made, it would be awesome!


Have you checked in Apachii's Heroes Store? They have some pretty awesome hammers in that mod.


Good luck with your requests! :wink:

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Okay, I think we've slammed the guy on the virtual wall hard enough now. Oblivion may be four years old, but it's not the same game it was 4 years ago. Definitely not.


I'd do the request, excepting for a distinct lack of time (Too busy working on addons for a dead game!).

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@Raubritter: Why, exactly, are you trolling me to tell me what I can and cannot do, and trying to attack the very purpose of this forum? Oblivion is about as dead as I am, and the reason this forum exists is because not all of us can actually mod.


@Trivek: Thank you, man. Well spoke!


@Netwit: And even betrer spoke! I especially like the bit about 'synergistic.' And, yeah, I checked out that once, but don't remember the hammers. Have to download it again.


@Zprospero: Dude. I so love you right this moment. Welcome back!

And I have no clue about the APrank. I'll check around.

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Oh, that's perfect, just simply perfect!


It's just as I imagined. You have excellant taste.


Speaking of, what happened to the Tzeentch robe? Did you forget it? Please, let us grasps it, oh wise one!


One question: Will the whip be to hard to do? I know that weight painting and bone linking stuff gives you trouble. I suppose you could ask Alonso. He knows that kinda stuff like I know the back of my brain!

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The whip should not be a problem. It's already been weight-painted, so all I have to do is re-texture and merge it.


I have the Tzeentch robe around somewhere. I'll look for it, but I may not get a chance to upload it until Tuesday because I'm going on vacation this weekend.


This request, I can probably finish in a little bit though.


Oh, and incidentally: AP = Activity Points

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