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Frame Drum


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I'm going through the Blender tutorials but they are difficult. I'm still working at it, though.

In the meantime, I've been going through all of this just so I can http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gifmake a simple frame drum.


It's just a round, thin (about 3 inches thick) handheld drum. They can be 1 sided with a hollow back, or double sided (Shaman Drum)

I can make them in 5 minutes on Wings3d but getting that into the game requires an animal sacrifice and some blood (in other words, it ain't gonna happen.)

If someone has made one and wouldn't mind sharing or wouldn't mind whipping one up real quick, that would be awesome.

I'll try to do the rest of what's needed to get it working in the game.



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I might have seen something similar in the Tribal Buildings resource, but I don't recall the exact name of the mod. Look on ORE, you should find it easily searching for Tribal.


Edit: Found it! Following this link downloads it. I'll check it first and see if there's a drum in there, my memory is foggy. Download


Another edit: Nevermind, it's not in there.. Pity.

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I made a tutorial about getting meshes from Blender into the game as weapons, but it's actually pretty much the same, and a bit simpler, for statics and clutter (which I believe this would fall under).


Do you happen to have Blender installed in addition to Wings?

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Thank you both!!

I have both Blender and Wings.

After checking out this mod, I'm gonna add your tut to my favorites.

Thanks to both of you!!

Happy gaming!

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